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To My Mmma Family, With All My Love

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Dear MMA Family,


This letter has taken me several hours to write, so I hope it will be allowed to stay up. I hope Bb and MK read this, too. It was written from the depths of my heart.


April 12, 2012 was my 2nd anniversary of being here. I've come to know some of you, and met some in person. You inspired me to write, speak out, and do what I can to help Protect Our Law.


It's amazing that even with your lives hanging in the balance, so many of you still can't put aside your differences and work together to combine our efforts to Save this Law. This situation has really broken my heart. I Love you all so much; it hurts so deeply to see what's been happening. So many times, I was tempted to walk away, but my Love kept me here. Honestly, I don't know how much longer I can stand it. You are the only Family I have. If I stay, it'd look like I'm taking sides; if I went to Bb's site, the same would be true.


We CAN all agree on the mission, vision, and goal to PROTECT THIS LAW and see it Properly Implemented. We all need to work together. Since I've been here, I've seen many calls for unity, among many disagreements and accusations. Many times, I also called for unity. Even after this recent shakeup, I don't see that much has changed. :(


There's been so many rumors from the various groups, and individuals, I don't know who to believe. One thing I do know is, Blueberry did some good here, but got too overprotective and carried it too far. There's a delicate Balance in how things should be handled. I know it's not easy, but he had some very good people to work with who tried to make his job easier. I wish things would've worked out differently. I'd tell him all this myself if I could. I don't know if he still considers me a friend or not.


Dear tired warrior, rest your weary head. You'll Always be in my heart, along with Michael, and this organization. This Community gave me strength and courage, stood beside me when I was unable to stand, and always had an open heart for me. How could I forget that?


Even before I got word of the latest shakeup here, I'd seen allegations of wrongdoing about Joe, Michael, and a few others. The accusations have been flying hard and fast recently, and, honestly, I don't know who to believe. No offense, especially to Joe and Michael; you know I care about both of you, but I can't take sides. You have NO idea how much this is affecting me.


To see the 2 of you going at it like this, reminds me of my childhood. When parents fight, it's the children who always suffer. When the 2 top people of an organization fight, it's the company and its customers that suffer- in this case, it's Our Community.


What I don't understand is WHY any of this had to happen. Call me naive, but I just don't get it. Because of the severity of the situation, I feel we need to see evidence, especially since others are involved, too, people who gave money, and people who were owed money. The statements being made are extremely serious, especially because such a large sum of money is in question. Large or small, money has been allowed to ruin a good thing.


In the end, the ones who'll suffer most are the Patients, they trusted you both to look out for them, and so did I, along with their caregivers and others who believe so strongly in this medicine and Our Law. Once trust is broken, it can never be fully repaired or completely restored. I don't know much about business, but I DO know about People and how fragile Trust is.


We are all casualties of this miserable, rotton, unecessary war. War takes its toll on people; some very strong people have fallen under it's grip. Sometimes it's best to walk away, stand down, and let another leader step up. I don't know who that would be. Someone needs to fill that position ASAP. Being CEO and managing a website, plus fighting a war while supporting a family, is no easy task, not even for the strongest warrior. If someone could just handle the site, and someone else could do the other tasks, it would make that job easier.


I don't know much about politics, but I do understand how stress affects people. Add to that, being ill, being a CEO, webmaster, technician, traveling, family obligations, that stress is gonna wear ya down. I wouldn't wanna be the CEO.


There was a time I wanted to be a lawyer; I'm glad it didn't happen. I wouldn't want Michael's job, as well as being President of a site like this, plus managing illness, and supporting a family.


I will always care about this community, and I'll always Cherish the memory of what we shared. Among the struggles, battles lost and won, were a few shining moments of Victory, with lots of support, encouragement, and Love. Meeting so many of you after having been here for a little over a year, was a big thrill for me.


When I got off that bus on May 25th in Lansing, I couldn't believe I was really there. Since I hadn't taken a trip like that in many years, I didn't realize what a toll it would take on me physically, but I did my best. Then I came downstate 2 more times. With each visit, I got to spend some time relaxing and just enjoying the compay of people I had only known through a computer screen, keyboard, and a few phone calls. It felt like I was in a dream.


I remember it so clearly- I heard familiar voices speak, and saw faces I had seen in videos, and heard them on radio shows. I'll always remember when I came into the Loft, though I was very tired, and went into the Green Room, saying, "Where's a good lawyer when you need one?" Then I saw Michael sitting at a table, talking, and he got up and shook my hand. He looked as tired as I felt.


I'm still blown away at winning the speech writing contest. That was such a thrill for me, but the greatest thill of all was writing the song for you all, inspired by a friend I made through this site. All these memories are so Precious, even the struggles, because they brought us closer together. This wonderful, healing plant has given us so much, and, despite the problems we face, a Community was born, which will Always be part of me.


And I will always remember fondly, the now very familiar words which I can still hear so clearly, that'd I often hear, since the day I got off that bus on May 25 in Lansing, and said hi to Blueberry,"Hey, Sb, what's up?"


On his site, I saw him say how much he misses us. In many ways, I miss him too.


Thank You All Very Much for being part of my life. You helped me in more ways than you know. I Love You Dearly.


Sincerely, with All My Love, Silverblue :wub:

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Yup, it stinks. Please don't walk off!!


Yea, it can be confounding and confusing, politics can be complex, ugly, and just plain weird.


I am sure it was very difficult to take some of the recent actions, no one could be completely comfortable.


Time will resolve things, no one will be 100% right, no one will be 100% wrong.


Could it be put back together? Yep, but it would take absolute boldness (risk), humbleness, trust and ultimate acceptance.


Peace be with you.


Good day.


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Dear MMA Family,


This letter has taken me several hours to write, so I hope it will be allowed to stay up. I hope Bb and MK read this, too. It was written from the depths of my heart.


April 12, 2012 was my 2nd anniversary of being here. I've come to know some of you, and met some in person. You inspired me to write, speak out, and do what I can to help Protect Our Law.


It's amazing that even with your lives hanging in the balance, so many of you still can't put aside your differences and work together to combine our efforts to Save this Law. This situation has really broken my heart. I Love you all so much; it hurts so deeply to see what's been happening. So many times, I was tempted to walk away, but my Love kept me here. Honestly, I don't know how much longer I can stand it. You are the only Family I have. If I stay, it'd look like I'm taking sides; if I went to Bb's site, the same would be true.


We CAN all agree on the mission, vision, and goal to PROTECT THIS LAW and see it Properly Implemented. We all need to work together. Since I've been here, I've seen many calls for unity, among many disagreements and accusations. Many times, I also called for unity. Even after this recent shakeup, I don't see that much has changed. :(


There's been so many rumors from the various groups, and individuals, I don't know who to believe. One thing I do know is, Blueberry did some good here, but got too overprotective and carried it too far. There's a delicate Balance in how things should be handled. I know it's not easy, but he had some very good people to work with who tried to make his job easier. I wish things would've worked out differently. I'd tell him all this myself if I could. I don't know if he still considers me a friend or not.


Dear tired warrior, rest your weary head. You'll Always be in my heart, along with Michael, and this organization. This Community gave me strength and courage, stood beside me when I was unable to stand, and always had an open heart for me. How could I forget that?


Even before I got word of the latest shakeup here, I'd seen allegations of wrongdoing about Joe, Michael, and a few others. The accusations have been flying hard and fast recently, and, honestly, I don't know who to believe. No offense, especially to Joe and Michael; you know I care about both of you, but I can't take sides. You have NO idea how much this is affecting me.


To see the 2 of you going at it like this, reminds me of my childhood. When parents fight, it's the children who always suffer. When the 2 top people of an organization fight, it's the company and its customers that suffer- in this case, it's Our Community.


What I don't understand is WHY any of this had to happen. Call me naive, but I just don't get it. Because of the severity of the situation, I feel we need to see evidence, especially since others are involved, too, people who gave money, and people who were owed money. The statements being made are extremely serious, especially because such a large sum of money is in question. Large or small, money has been allowed to ruin a good thing.


In the end, the ones who'll suffer most are the Patients, they trusted you both to look out for them, and so did I, along with their caregivers and others who believe so strongly in this medicine and Our Law. Once trust is broken, it can never be fully repaired or completely restored. I don't know much about business, but I DO know about People and how fragile Trust is.


We are all casualties of this miserable, rotton, unecessary war. War takes its toll on people; some very strong people have fallen under it's grip. Sometimes it's best to walk away, stand down, and let another leader step up. I don't know who that would be. Someone needs to fill that position ASAP. Being CEO and managing a website, plus fighting a war while supporting a family, is no easy task, not even for the strongest warrior. If someone could just handle the site, and someone else could do the other tasks, it would make that job easier.


I don't know much about politics, but I do understand how stress affects people. Add to that, being ill, being a CEO, webmaster, technician, traveling, family obligations, that stress is gonna wear ya down. I wouldn't wanna be the CEO.


There was a time I wanted to be a lawyer; I'm glad it didn't happen. I wouldn't want Michael's job, as well as being President of a site like this, plus managing illness, and supporting a family.


I will always care about this community, and I'll always Cherish the memory of what we shared. Among the struggles, battles lost and won, were a few shining moments of Victory, with lots of support, encouragement, and Love. Meeting so many of you after having been here for a little over a year, was a big thrill for me.


When I got off that bus on May 25th in Lansing, I couldn't believe I was really there. Since I hadn't taken a trip like that in many years, I didn't realize what a toll it would take on me physically, but I did my best. Then I came downstate 2 more times. With each visit, I got to spend some time relaxing and just enjoying the compay of people I had only known through a computer screen, keyboard, and a few phone calls. It felt like I was in a dream.


I remember it so clearly- I heard familiar voices speak, and saw faces I had seen in videos, and heard them on radio shows. I'll always remember when I came into the Loft, though I was very tired, and went into the Green Room, saying, "Where's a good lawyer when you need one?" Then I saw Michael sitting at a table, talking, and he got up and shook my hand. He looked as tired as I felt.


I'm still blown away at winning the speech writing contest. That was such a thrill for me, but the greatest thill of all was writing the song for you all, inspired by a friend I made through this site. All these memories are so Precious, even the struggles, because they brought us closer together. This wonderful, healing plant has given us so much, and, despite the problems we face, a Community was born, which will Always be part of me.


And I will always remember fondly, the now very familiar words which I can still hear so clearly, that'd I often hear, since the day I got off that bus on May 25 in Lansing, and said hi to Blueberry,"Hey, Sb, what's up?"


On his site, I saw him say how much he misses us. In many ways, I miss him too.


Thank You All Very Much for being part of my life. You helped me in more ways than you know. I Love You Dearly.


Sincerely, with All My Love, Silverblue :wub:


Thank you for all the post you have maid it was nice to meet you inn Lansing i hope to see you here more



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SB, that was extremely well said. Thank you.


I think people want to know if something is good or is it bad, is it awesome or does it suck, and unfortunately things are not often so clear.


The following analogy is not a great one, I'll admit but I want to point it out anyway. Please don't think that the gravity of the situations the same.



Remember (in the movie for most) when General Patton slapped that soldier that was suffering from battle fatigue? Was he right to do that? Most would say 'No', but in the movie when you hear him apologize and speak so passionately about his motivations, you can almost, not quite, but almost see why he did that.


So, he went too far...at least most would say, in trying to motivate his men, to inspire, and to move them to action and to fight.


Historically speaking, was he a good general or a bad general? Did his men fight for him....hell yes! Did they like him....hell no, many did not at the time. History however shows he was effective, very effective.


After he went too far and slapped that man, was all the good that he had done, suddenly undone? Eventually Eisenhower realized what a fine leader he was, in spite of his flaws. He was needed in the fight against the Nazis and so he was given another chance.


Like the Allies in WWII, I wish that all parties could put their differences on hold until after this battle against the greater evil. At this time, right or wrong, good or bad, we need everyone to fight together against this legislative push or most of the rest of the issues are moot.


Is it more important to disgrace other warriors or is the battle against the legislation more important to you?



Again, apologies to those offended by my comparing our fight to the great historical struggle.

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So, you're comparing "blueberry" to General Patton?




Yeah, that's just the way he did treat real patients on this very website until Komorn started paying attention...for some unknown reason to everyone.


Dang, now I feel like maybe that washtenaut wants us all to assume the position so that "blueberry" can do a few more of those consecrations of those bonds of obedience.



I've think we've all been paddled enough!




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Thanks all for your replies. I Love You more than you could know, and I'll be thinking about you on the 17th and beyond. I'd love to be at the protest, not for any one person, but for All of you, and this law I voted on, but I'm unable to go. I may never see any of you again, but you are always in my heart.


I can't stay here anymore, my heart is too broken up. Some of you know how to contact me.


Sincerely, with Love and Deepest Regrets, Silverblue :wub:

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Maybe if some of you returning members didn't slam people so often she wouldn't be leaving. But some of you are so happy to be back and they let you say anything you want, you seem to spew a lot of venomous things daily about the old regime. Get over yourselves life goes on let the past be the past, your daily name calling and defaming needs to end, so the movement can move forward.

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I still love you,, but i am leaving ...??? that sure makes alot of sence

You have a a lot to learn, baby. Especially about Love. Maybe we could start with a little compassion.


As soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words.

William Shakespeare



Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_love.html#G9ozC1ldoK0rhaRu.99


Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

Lao Tzu


Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_love.html#G9ozC1ldoK0rhaRu.99

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this post was intended just to divide nothing else,,, i can see right thew the bull, I did not start this post


Maybe we could start with a little compassion.???


ok when the leader banned 100s of patents where was the COMPASSION??


this is bull,,



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Sb like you I was so devastated by the fall out. I swore that I would not be back. But here I am, the war is not over and we need all the troops we can get.

Do as I do monitor both sites. There is just so much information out there we can not possibly find it all as individual's Each of us has a single passion that should over ride our differences, That being a love for Gods gift: cannabis. Let this become our common ground and through it we may discover ourselves and our shared need for one another.

Let us find our place at the round table and respect other's opinion's although we may not agree with them.


All the world is a stage, let us play our rolls for the greater good of all.

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I still love you,, but i am leaving ...??? that sure makes alot of sence



and Yes, to whoever said about why I am leaving. I'd be gone if I had been granted my rerquest, but since I'm still here, answering e-mail, I can say one more time, "Even with your lives in peril, some of you still can't get along."


If those bills pass, that's what some of you deserve for being so goddam petty. I guess your differences are a much more important, much BIGGER Prioroity. People who don't like each other have worked together and accomplished great things, I am sure. There are innocent people out there, outside this site as well; and many who have no knowledge or association with this site or any other like it. I'm fighting for them, too.


I don't blame Bb for everything, either. He has his faults, just like everyone here, including me. So just keep on fighting, and watch your precious law get torn to pieces.


I really loved writing for the cause, I loved standing beside you. I can still love you although I'm not here. Sorry if someone's unable to understand that.It's not my problem.


It takes more than one person to screw up a community. Maybe it's true afterall, that it was an inside job. Hmmm.


Sb :angry::(

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miserman, I DO NOT WORSHIP JOE OR ANYONE HERE SO WATCH IT. I JUST WANNA KNOW THE TRUTH. Your words don't surprise me one bit. Thanks alot, friend, and I use that word very loosely at the moment. Once you defended me, now you slam me, that says a LOT about you. I haven't forgotton other things you've said, either. I know more than you think. :thumbsd:


I'm still here because someone asked me to stay. It was quite a surprise.



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