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To My Mmma Family, With All My Love

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miserman, I DO NOT WORSHIP JOE OR ANYONE HERE SO WATCH IT. I JUST WANNA KNOW THE TRUTH. Your words don't surprise me one bit. Thanks alot, friend, and I use that word very loosely at the moment. Once you defended me, now you slam me, that says a LOT about you. I haven't forgotton other things you've said, either. I know more than you think. :thumbsd:


I'm still here because someone asked me to stay. It was quite a surprise.




i did always read you post and i liked them very much i too have been wanting to go but have to stay i just hope that we all can say what we want but we don't know who people are they could be leo's or friends if i knew how to change my screen name i would use my real name then maybe people would not say bad things about one another

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This whole situation is just painful. Lots of people with good intentions kicking each other in the face...

EXACTLY! But many here seem to think I won't kick back.


I'm just trying to find the Truth. Both Joe AND Michael are my friends, so is Chad and many others here who seem to have drawn a very big line in the sand. Some people forget that I said good things about Michael, too, IF they even bothered to read my posts. I don't need to justify my words to my accusors. Imagine that there was a time they considered themselves to be my friends.


It hurts me to see people hurting who were once friends, who I still consider to be my friends.


People can ssay whatever they want about me, that doesn't make it true. That goes the same for anyone, about anyone. I just hope that when the Whole Truth is revealed,whatever that may be, that this community can live with it and survive.


Sincerely, Sb

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OK mizerman and your accusations, and your "puff puff, pass," you're nothing but a stoner, and you're hatred will be your undoing. Be very careful who you judge. You underestimate me, mister! :growl:


Sb :angry:


I don't hate you. I call things as I see them unfold.


Should I let loose with a rant about you? I'll always believe you were played by a master virtuoso.


I'm a stoner? Really? So what? Because I can successfully replace narcotics and opiates with certain strains of cannabis when I have a steady and consistent supply...that makes me a stoner? Really?


To me, you sound exactly like Rick Jones. Not only is Silverblue a doctor, but you are now some sort of Supreme Being as well? I call b-u-l-l-s-h-i-t.


I got along just fine without this place for over a year and I'll get along just fine without it now if I choose to leave again or if they ban me.


Maybe you need to drink some Focus Factor. Do you remember me having bobandtorey get in touch with you and tell you that it was not you who I was upset with about this time a year ago? I was upset that you, I, and countless others were being played for a fool.


That doesn't make me a hater - It makes me someone who "was" looking out for you - not any more.


My hatred? That's funny. Silverblue, to me, you come across in such a way of so wanting to judge others but not wanting anyone to say anything about you.


Until they silence me I will call out everyone when I see or smell even trace amounts of b-u-l-l-s-h-i-t.


Sound familiar?




Hugs & Kisses,



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