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I Asked Joe To Remove Our Info From His Site

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I reluctantly went to his site and very diplomatically asked him to remove our info, twice. The second time, I explainned in a very gentle way, how it's hurting the very people he claims to love. I spent 1-2 hours writing that letter, using the analogy of a house. I told him, imagine there's this house, which he claims to have bought the property to and the design of, from another owner. Then he invited people in to help him manage it. After awhile there were disagreements and he was evicted. Then he built the replica and duplicated belongings of the tennants of the original house and registered them there, without their knowledge or consent. I asked him how he'd feel if he had that happened to him.


For those of you who think I'm takinig sides, and being influenced by Joe, here's a tip for ya. NO ONE influences me, and NO ONE asked me to go there and ask him.


By the way, possibly the Best thing he did for us is creating the E-Mail-O-Matic.


Guess how he responded?


Stifle me again and you can delete me. I have a right to defend myself.



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If the best thing was the auto emailer then I guess his leadership was worse than I thought because its effectiveness is debatable. Many, including myself, think it does more harm than good. Others feel it does no harm and no good. My state rep told me specifically that his office does not record or account for emails that are mass generated and he further stated that many never make it into the inbox due to spam filters.

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Thanks for the info. I really, honestly and sincerely believed that was a good thing. Well I see I was wrong.


Honestly I meant well and hoped a friendly note might get through to him.


Sincerely, Sb :(


If the best thing was the auto emailer then I guess his leadership was worse than I thought because its effectiveness is debatable. Many, including myself, think it does more harm than good. Others feel it does no harm and no good. My state rep told me specifically that his office does not record or account for emails that are mass generated and he further stated that many never make it into the inbox due to spam filters.

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His response the first time I asked, was not what I expected, he went on about what was important and what was not. I had asked him exactly what from this site he owns, which was never addressed either, though I seem to recall things he'd said about it, but wanted to refresh my memory. Many times he didn't answer a question directly. I saw it with other people, too.


To my second request, which included the house analogy, I got no reply, though I know he read it, which I told him, and said I have to walk away from all this, wished him luck, said I know he'll do what he wants, and said something else in a very diplomatic way about pride, hurt, anger, and protectiveness, which I hope might get through to him.


I care about everyone here. He's still part of our community, as long as he's a patient, but I can't watch him self destruct; I have done what I felt was right. I told him in a previous letter, "If you love them, set them free," for whatever good it does.


I will be requesting he delete my account. Each time I wrote, I said I don't belong there and told him why. I said if he hadn't put our info there, people might've gone there.


He didn't listen to a legal order, and he's not listening to a friend.


I did my best. No one asked me to, but I believed maybe it'd get results.


Sorry to dissappoint myself again and everyone else.


I still care about people here; if I didn't, I wouldn't have gone there to ask.


Sincerely, Sb :(


Ok what was his response SB?

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You're welcome. Maybe when he's had time to let my words soak in, he'll honor our wishes. He says he love us, says he misses us, wants to protect us. Honoring a simple request would prove his sincerity.


Sb :(

I hope your letter to him worked , thank you SB

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His response the first time I asked, was not what I expected, he went on about what was important and what was not. I had asked him exactly what from this site he owns, which was never addressed either, though I seem to recall things he'd said about it, but wanted to refresh my memory. Many times he didn't answer a question directly. I saw it with other people, too.


To my second request, which included the house analogy, I got no reply, though I know he read it, which I told him, and said I have to walk away from all this, wished him luck, said I know he'll do what he wants, and said something else in a very diplomatic way about pride, hurt, anger, and protectiveness, which I hope might get through to him.


I care about everyone here. He's still part of our community, as long as he's a patient, but I can't watch him self destruct; I have done what I felt was right. I told him in a previous letter, "If you love them, set them free," for whatever good it does.


I will be requesting he delete my account. Each time I wrote, I said I don't belong there and told him why. I said if he hadn't put our info there, people might've gone there.


He didn't listen to a legal order, and he's not listening to a friend.


I did my best. No one asked me to, but I believed maybe it'd get results.


Sorry to dissappoint myself again and everyone else.


I still care about people here; if I didn't, I wouldn't have gone there to ask.


Sincerely, Sb :(


420Peace Sb,


Thanks for Asking...

It needed 2 B

Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained.

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No one has any idea how my heart is aching over all this. People are hurting, I hope that maybe this disaster would bring us all together. WHY does it have to take such a horrible turn of events to make everyone unite? (Tears) People are so angry, they're forgetting WHY we're here, and saying very mean things. I'm sure our opponents are havine a grand time with all of it. And, honestly, when people say "puff puff, pass," don't you think an outsider would conclude that person's a stoner? Consider pleaswe, the impression those things make. I'm not questioning anyone's medical condition, so people can think what they want, but certain comments, which I've mentioned many times before, are gonna be taken the wrong way. It also seems that good intentions often get taken the wrong way, too, but there's nothing I can do about that.:blush:


When I saw Joe say how much he misses us, I was in tears. People have their own way of showing love- some are overprotective, some will get so wrapped up in their mission, their pride gets in the way, their intentions started out genuine and got messed up in their determination to help, and they lose sight of what's important and they get overzealous. I'm sure it's happened to many others.


So, if the mass e-mail is not the best thing he did, I wonder if there was anything good that he did? All I wanna know is the Truth- I want Clarity and transparency. We All deserve these things, because WE are the ones being hurt by all this, and both of them are my friends.


I remember Bb said he really didn't want the job. Though he was ousted, I saw it as a blessing in disguise, which I almost told him. He's wound up so tightly, it's scary. I feel bad for his family, and Michael's, too.


The same feelings I get from Bb are similar to what I sense from Michael- a very tired, dedicated, determined, strong willed, proud, loving person. They are so much alike, if only they'd see. Whatever went wrong, I wish it'd be resolved peaceably, for the sake of this community and the people they try to protect and defend.


For the Good of Our Community, I implore both of them to PLEASE work it out. For the sake of us All, I implore ALL groups and individuals to work together, work WITH each other, not in secret. We don't all agree but we CAN agree that we want this law PROPERLY IMPLEMENTED AND HONORED, right?


People speak of unity, now that Joe is gone, but I don't feel it. I see hints of what some people may know, but refuse to share, where Our Law is concerned. This troubles me deeply. Aren't we all on the same side here? Don't we have a right to know what's being said and done on our behalf?


I can't sit by and watch this community self destruct. I only want Peace, Unity, and VICTORY, just as I'm sure all of you do, to, that includes EVERYONE. We need to make our govt HONOR Our Law- plain and simple, and if they don't, make them be unemployed. Just be sure their replacements WILL LISTEN TO US. I've said most of this before, more than once.


As Bb and others keep saying, "It's about the PATIENTS." This includes their caregivers, too, and the doctors who recommend this wonderful medicine.


How much longer can the big vote be put off? I'm working on my local legislators, just in case, as someone said, the mass e-mails are being ignored, and, I think it's good to stay in touch with the locals.


For Our Community and Our Law- Peace, Unity, and VICTORY.


Sincerely, Sb :wub:

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Thanks Jb and everyone. I'm surprised to see so many responses.


Sincerely, Sb

Thank you for your efforts SB! Please remember that you are respected and loved for attempting to find unity through all of this. Keep the faith... j.b.

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If the best thing was the auto emailer then I guess his leadership was worse than I thought because its effectiveness is debatable. Many, including myself, think it does more harm than good. Others feel it does no harm and no good. My state rep told me specifically that his office does not record or account for emails that are mass generated and he further stated that many never make it into the inbox due to spam filters.


When you send a generic mass e-mail, you get a generic mass e-mail response.


I firmly believe that Caveat Lector is correct in everything said above.


What Blueberry did was generate fear and tell a lot of lies to everyone who visited this website.


Also, banging on your pots and pans on the steps of the state capitol accomplishes nothing. A few thousand more people showed up from the teacher's union when the Republicans started stripping away their rights and jobs. They yelled inside. They yelled outside. Yelling did NOT sway anything their way.


If our medical marijuana law(s) are about to be gutted and changed to levels we don't recognize, make sure and thank the nimrods in our community who drank the Tea Party Kool-Aid and helped usher in the Tea Bagging Tidal Wave in 2010.


Nice job.


I'll leave you with this.



Every time I see this clip I think of Blueberry. They both make about the same amount of sense.


Puff, puff, pass...


Mizerman :bong2:


p.s. what can I say? I'm a STONER. By the way, countless others from the 3MG website have asked him to remove more than a dozen names and he's been refusing to do so for quite a while now. This is old news.

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Old news or not, I believed I might be able to get through to him. I hardly read the 3MG site and don't recall seeing that they asked him to remove their info, too, but I'm glad others tried. One more voice added to the mix couldn't hurt, but sadly, it didn't help, either.


I rest my case. Sadly this case is too serious to be dismissed, and, the very people he claims to love, are the very people he's hurting the most. I have nothing left to say to him. My heart is sunk. I hope he reads this, though I think I told him in one of my letters. Oh well. I have to focus my energies elsewhere.. I'm done with it.


Sincerely, Sb :(

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"He didn't listen to a legal order, and he's not listening to a friend."


And he is paying the price SB. Look. He is a big boy and must be held accountable for his behavior, whether he is sincere or not. A responsible postion requies that. Many of us believe him to be insincere. The other reasonable conclusion we can draw is the likelyhood of major character flaw or flaws and/or poor mental health, the latter being the more polite and of the two. No one of consequence has lost sight of why we are here, and but for the "mean things" that may have been said, we would still be divided. Because that is the case and we are speaking as one, we have wiped the grins off our opponents' faces.I think that hand wringing is misplaced.


The mass mailer, if indeed a good idea, was not something that a CEO should be hands on with, and would be best delegated to other capable people. The same goes for his too close involvement with the FM and opens him up to suspicion that he was involved with the money more than the essential needs of the statewide community. The ability to properly delegate is an essential leadership skill that prevents being bogged down with less consequential details and allows for the necessary and proper admisnistration of priorities. If Joe did anything right, which by token of begging the question demonstrates that he did little or nothing, it is countered by the harm he was causing. What is your take? To lock out the larger community to advance seriously limited and clearly divisive agendas was despicable. I suggest that he manipulated you as much as anyone and maybe more than most.


Unity is much more readily apparent now. Unnecessary and unproductive criticism is becoming less prevalent. There is still noise that is intended to continue to foment divisiveness coming from Joe. He is now rightly on the outside of the unity he tried to prohibit. Any and all reasonble people have parted ways with him. The community is not self destructing, but regaining respect and the subsequent authority that buys. It is good that we have marginalized him and put him behind us.

We are largely on the same side, albeit there are just a few agendas at play that may very well not be, and I suspect there is some maipulation being tried by only a very few. The latter cannot stay with that long without being found out, and some have already backed down. I cannot agree that our priorities are misplaced, and belive our intentions are solely to protect patients and caregivers.


The vote will be put off until something conclusive comes to pass. The House could garner enough votes to pass them, or things will play out to the end with no resolution and they will go down. Meanwhile both sides will find themselves in circumstances where they will want to either advance or obstruct movement of the bills, depending on the moment. Your best bet to keep current with the happenings in Lansing is the same as anyone here, which is to do your own due diligence by staying close to the community and your legislaor's office, as you say, and which you should by all means call today, just as I intend.

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Very well said Greg.


I think people are still adjusting to being duped by cain for as long as they had. Mizerman put it best when he described cain as a con man.


I WAS angry with cain for so long because of everything he pulled but that changed within a couple of days of his ousting. I am no longer angry. He is now inconsequential. We will bring up his name here and there as necessary when speaking of the history of this movement but I think it will be more done as necessary when explaining facts rather than to put him down anymore. His character was assassinated by one lone assassin, HIMSELF.


Sb, you were duped like everyone else so don't feel it is all your fault. Everyone was duped for a time. All one need do is look at the history of cain's involvement in this movement to see his slow downward spiral. He left his casualties along the side of the road as he marched on. He was given the job as top dog but his abuse of his position is what led him to where he is now. His current supporters appear to be people who were supporters for the least amount of time. A lot of us here were here from near the very beginning. Does he have any of those long-time mmma members still on his side? In other words, once people knew him long enough they realized his true character and realized that he had ulterior motives. Does that mean he never cared? No. I'm sure he did. But at some point he allowed his need for power, money, worship, etc., to change him.


A con man will always have "friends" until they catch on to you. By then you've made a new set of "friends." A con man is silver-tongued and smooth-talking so he'll always have followers. But, he is fork-tongued as well...

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So many well thought out posts here, thank you all for that.


Something occured to me the other day. The 3MA is a grassroots organization.


Successful grassroots orgs are led from the bottom, not the top. Just like successful governments.


If you're looking for a leader, just walk up to a mirror and say hi.

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Very well said Greg.


I think people are still adjusting to being duped by cain for as long as they had. Mizerman put it best when he described cain as a con man.


I WAS angry with cain for so long because of everything he pulled but that changed within a couple of days of his ousting. I am no longer angry. He is now inconsequential. We will bring up his name here and there as necessary when speaking of the history of this movement but I think it will be more done as necessary when explaining facts rather than to put him down anymore. His character was assassinated by one lone assassin, HIMSELF.


Sb, you were duped like everyone else so don't feel it is all your fault. Everyone was duped for a time. All one need do is look at the history of cain's involvement in this movement to see his slow downward spiral. He left his casualties along the side of the road as he marched on. He was given the job as top dog but his abuse of his position is what led him to where he is now. His current supporters appear to be people who were supporters for the least amount of time. A lot of us here were here from near the very beginning. Does he have any of those long-time mmma members still on his side? In other words, once people knew him long enough they realized his true character and realized that he had ulterior motives. Does that mean he never cared? No. I'm sure he did. But at some point he allowed his need for power, money, worship, etc., to change him.


A con man will always have "friends" until they catch on to you. By then you've made a new set of "friends." A con man is silver-tongued and smooth-talking so he'll always have followers. But, he is fork-tongued as well...



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Dichotomy is a good and healthy thing. We were brought together by someone elses labor of love. His conviction took him in another direction. It seems that many chose a different path; one that he was instrumental in establishing, but not interested in pursueing. And yet, it doesn't seem different to us. It seems like he's the one who's strayed. I hope that he finds his way back, and I'm glad that we're still together. Thank you, SB, for sharing with us. There's no joy in this argument.

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Maybe this will nail down Joe's motives and explain his frantic attempts to keep the FM going. It appeared on the pirate website and suggests that it is his own cash cow. It appeared at another site and is written to bb from someone who claims familiarity with the goings on that almost explains how he scammed everyone. I do not claim that it is or is not accurate.







Joined:Yesterday, 11:25 PM

Posted Today, 07:30 PM


blueberry, on 23 April 2012 - 06:27 PM, said:

Hi CPU troll.


Thats your only recourse is to call me a troll and thats what you always done to everyone. Rather than show me proof of anything you yell troll and thats all you can do because your intelligence level is so low that real reasoning doesn't work for you. Someone says something you don't like and you yell troll. You are a troll of the highest order and should be ashamed of yourself. Your a real scumbag and you know if thats why you are angry. Your worthless just like that weed you supposedly give away at the farmers market. Everyone knows you bring your bad own stuff then use the money from the market to supposebly buy it from yourself to supposebly give it away. You pocket the money and get rid of your shittyweed like everyone doesn't know that by now you low troll. Your mad that you finally got the boot shoved so far up your muffin makers where it belonged to begin with. You rape patients and then pretend that you care about them and yes you care about them as long as they are giving you money but once they aren't and if they disagree then you pull out your old and trusty troll. The fact that you would treat me the way you just did because I dare to disagree with you shows the man you really are and that is a sorry excuse for a human being so climb back in your hole and stay there and leave us patients alone with your high and mighty attitude that you know better than anyone else. Get your assout of my state you dirtbag."

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Maybe this will nail down Joe's motives and explain his frantic attempts to keep the FM going. It appeared on the pirate website and suggests that it is his own cash cow. It appeared at another site and is written to bb from someone who claims familiarity with the goings on that almost explains how he scammed everyone. I do not claim that it is or is not accurate.







Joined:Yesterday, 11:25 PM

Posted Today, 07:30 PM


blueberry, on 23 April 2012 - 06:27 PM, said:

Hi CPU troll.


Thats your only recourse is to call me a troll and thats what you always done to everyone. Rather than show me proof of anything you yell troll and thats all you can do because your intelligence level is so low that real reasoning doesn't work for you. Someone says something you don't like and you yell troll. You are a troll of the highest order and should be ashamed of yourself. Your a real scumbag and you know if thats why you are angry. Your worthless just like that weed you supposedly give away at the farmers market. Everyone knows you bring your bad own stuff then use the money from the market to supposebly buy it from yourself to supposebly give it away. You pocket the money and get rid of your shittyweed like everyone doesn't know that by now you low troll. Your mad that you finally got the boot shoved so far up your muffin makers where it belonged to begin with. You rape patients and then pretend that you care about them and yes you care about them as long as they are giving you money but once they aren't and if they disagree then you pull out your old and trusty troll. The fact that you would treat me the way you just did because I dare to disagree with you shows the man you really are and that is a sorry excuse for a human being so climb back in your hole and stay there and leave us patients alone with your high and mighty attitude that you know better than anyone else. Get your assout of my state you dirtbag."


420Pease GregS,


I believe the info is acccurate...but then I have been warning about bb for two years!

For Me I'am happy cain is out of our Sight...

The bb stains are fading from the MMJ culture.

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