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Blood Test Results Show Michigan State Basketball Player Derrick Nix Ingested Small Amount Of Marijuana Prior To Arrest

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Published: Thursday, April 26, 2012, 7:00 AM Updated: Thursday, April 26, 2012, 9:13 AM



LANSING, MI -- Derrick Nix's blood tested positive for the chief psychoactive element of marijuana after his April 3 arrest in East Lansing, results obtained by MLive Media Group via Freedom of Information Act request show.


The results show the Michigan State basketball center's body contained 2 nanograms of THC -- the compound that creates most of marijuana's sense-altering and other effects -- per milliliter of blood. That's a "pretty small" amount and indicates marijuana had not been ingested in the immediate past, according to Geoffrey French, supervisor of the Michigan State Police Toxicology Unit at its Lansing crime lab.


"The average number we see is quite a bit higher," French said.


Several media outlets previously incorrectly reported Nix tested positive for marijuana, based on the police report. Those reports referred to a NIK narcotic test kit, which was used to test a blunt extracted from Nix's vehicle for marijuana.


Nix, 21, was arrested about 12:20 a.m. on April 3 for operating under the influence of drugs and marijuana possession. He was pulled over at Lake Lansing and Abbot roads after failing to stop at a red light, according to police.


Nix told the arresting officer he had smoked a joint about two hours before the traffic stop. The officer noticed Nix's bloodshot eyes and an odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle,

according to the police report.


Nix, an MSU junior, failed a field sobriety test as he was unable to successfully complete a heel-to-toe walk and one-leg stand. He also failed to count forward and backward without skipping numbers, according to the report.


Nix told the officer there was a blunt in the visor of the 2007 Dodge Charger he was driving, and 0.6 grams of a marijuana joint was retrieved, according to the report.


Nix's blood also contained 5 nanograms of carboxy-THC per milliliter, according to the test results. French said carboxy-THC is a metabolite formed when a user's body has begun metabolizing THC.


"What happens is THC, once it's ingested in the body, is broken down quite quickly," French said. "You reach a peak level quite quickly.


"The first five minutes after smoking (marijuana), there's a huge THC level in the blood. Eventually you have a much larger concentration of carboxy-THC, after metabolization."


French added that 5 nanograms of carboxy-THC per milliliter of blood is "not a lot."


Nix has

pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of impaired driving, a misdemeanor punishable by up to 93 days in jail and a $300 fine, as well as a 180-day driver's license suspension and four points on a driver's record.


Nix was reinstated to the MSU basketball team on April 12, nine days after being suspended indefinitely. He is scheduled for sentencing on May 11 in East Lansing District Court.


The city of East Lansing

denied MLive's FOIA request for the in-car police video of Nix's arrest. An appeal is being filed.



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Nix, an MSU junior, failed a field sobriety test as he was unable to successfully complete a heel-to-toe walk and one-leg stand. He also failed to count forward and backward without skipping numbers, according to the report.


This doesn't sound like cannabis impairment at all. I sure don't get 'tippy' and I can always count backwards and forwards if I'm awake. I bet the officer decided to just say these things because he wanted to and can. I want a few witnesses when they give me this test so the officer can't lie about it. If it's heel to toe and counting, cannabis isn't going to stop me.

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No doubt, that sounds more like alcohol. *shrug*


Nix, an MSU junior, failed a field sobriety test as he was unable to successfully complete a heel-to-toe walk and one-leg stand. He also failed to count forward and backward without skipping numbers, according to the report.


This doesn't sound like cannabis impairment at all. I sure don't get 'tippy' and I can always count backwards and forwards if I'm awake. I bet the officer decided to just say these things because he wanted to and can. I want a few witnesses when they give me this test so the officer can't lie about it. If it's heel to toe and counting, cannabis isn't going to stop me.

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according to Geoffrey French, supervisor of the Michigan State Police Toxicology Unit at its Lansing crime lab.




"What happens is THC, once it's ingested in the body, is broken down quite quickly," French said. "You reach a peak level quite quickly.



"The first five minutes after smoking (marijuana), there's a huge THC level in the blood. Eventually you have a much larger concentration of carboxy-THC, after metabolization."



French added that 5 nanograms of carboxy-THC per milliliter of blood is "not a lot." now he will have to testify in court if any one gets pulled over for DUID and have him tell the jury this

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