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Obamacare Upheld By Supreme Court


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I said all huh! You are still an idiot!



So we are all a bunch of faker freeloaders that abuse our health and want you to pay for it.


My only question remaining for you now is why are you here?


You sure have a terrible opinion of us. Are you just here to kick our sorry butts?

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Yeah, thanks to people like you.


Yes, thank god there were enough people smart enough to understand Paul's entire platform.


Personally, I still remember when rivers used to start on fire in America. Paul would take us back to those days. Remember the smog bowl around LA? Envirmental regulations fixed that, and Paul wants to give all that up.

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Babbling BS! The only ones getting the free lunch do not pay taxes, get real. The ones that pay are the only ones paying!


....and that is exactly what I said. We are already paying for those people with our taxes and higher premiums. What part of that did you not understand before you agreed with me?

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Your taxes probably pay the pepsi bill at the white house, get real! What you think taxes will go down now roflmao!



....and that is exactly what I said. We are already paying for those people with our taxes and higher premiums. What part of that did you not understand before you agreed with me?

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Yes, thank god there were enough people smart enough to understand Paul's entire platform.


Personally, I still remember when rivers used to start on fire in America. Paul would take us back to those days. Remember the smog bowl around LA? Envirmental regulations fixed that, and Paul wants to give all that up.


Wrong again. Paul believes ending oil subsidies will increase the price of gas to its actual worth which will create tremendous economic incentive to develop alternative energy. He also believes in making companies more accountable for damages, which cannot be said for Obama (what is the true cost of the BP disaster?)

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Now begins the smoke and mirrors

Smoke and mirrors are all you have been offering. Some of us have opened up with some personal details of our lives to show where we stand and that we are real, not fakers. I'm asking for you to step up and not just be a heckler. Give us some context for your views so we can understand you better.

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Wrong again. Paul believes ending oil subsidies will increase the price of gas to its actual worth which will create tremendous economic incentive to develop alternative energy. He also believes in making companies more accountable for damages, which cannot be said for Obama (what is the true cost of the BP disaster?)


I am not wrong, Paul wants to get rid of the EPA and environmental regulations. He has said so publicly many, many times. I don't understand what that had to with rivers starting on fire either.


You're pretty good at changing the subject and not answering uncomfortable questions. Like what the NWO had to do with healthcare.

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I am not wrong, Ppaul wants to get rid of the EPA and environmental regulations. He has said so publicly many, many times.


You are wrong for the reason I stated. What has the EPA done to protect us from frakking and offshore drilling? You can bet Ron Paul wants to make companies who engage in dangerous practices pay when they damage someone's health or property.


The truth is Obama is Big Oil's little biotch and Ron Paul ain't. It sounds so nice when the Big O calls for a future with more natural gas until you realize that means frakking which means widespread environmental damage.

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You have a neighbor that has a wife and 3 kids. He drinks too much, he smokes, he doesn't exercise and he grills ribs and sausages for dinner every night. He's not really a bad guy though and his wife and kids are OK too.


You know that the guy does not have health insurance because he says he can't afford it. He's living next door though and he has a boat and snowmobiles too so really, he could afford it but he is just gambling that he won't get seriously hurt or ill.


One day he has a heart attack right in front of you. He needs medical help or he will die soon but he has no health insurance and you know that he will never be able to pay the $410,000.00 hospital bill. If you call an ambulance, you know that those medical costs will be picked up by other taxpayers, not by your neighbor.


To be fair, the guy gambled and lost. Would you make that 911 call? If you would, you are agreeing that our society should help those with an emergency medical need, and that the taxpayers should pick up the tab for that help. So, at least in an emergency, you agree that our society should help those that cannot pay for that help.


Under ObamaCare the neighbor guy, since he has the means, would have been forced to buy medical insurance (or pay the penalty). He would have to pay for his coverage and his insurance company would pay his medical bills.


Without ObamaCare, the hospital and doctors are not paid by the insurance company. They have to eat those costs. They get some reimbursement from the taxpayers and maybe the neighbor pays $50 a month for life, but the rest of those charges are paid by raising the hospital charges to everyone else to make up that $410,000. Today, our society pays the bills for someone that should have been more responsible, but wasn't.


Someone today that is legitimately too poor to have health insurance only seeks medical care in an emergency. They cannot pay and the hospital distributes those unpaid amounts to all those that can pay and their insurance companies. All those paying insurance premiums pay a little more to cover those higher charges.


Under ObamaCare, someone too poor to pay for their own insurance, will have their coverage paid for by the taxpayers. They will likely now seek medical attention for health issues before they become emergencies. We will initially pay more as there is a backlog of people that will seek medical attention once it is available to them. The hope however is that with regular preventive care, the higher priced emergency care will be needed less frequently.


Today we already pay for the medical care of others, but only for emergency room care. With the ACA, we will still pay for the healthcare of the very poor, but people that have the means will not be able to make the rest of us pay for their emergency care, like we do today.






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I am all for a poll, but what is the purpose of including Paul? I think a lot of us who support Obama now would have voted for Paul, but that ship has sailed.


I still support Paul..and I was thinking I could stay home..or write his name in. Many I know feel the same and if everyone that supported Paul actually did that instead of believing they have to vote for romney or obama..or its a wasted vote..we would all be better off. I will vote with my conscience..and for change..but I WILL NOT vote for anyone I do not believe in..

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I still support Paul..and I was thinking I could stay home..or write his name in. Many I know feel the same and if everyone that supported Paul actually did that instead of believing they have to vote for romney or obama..or its a wasted vote..we would all be better off. I will vote with my conscience..and for change..but I WILL NOT vote for anyone I do not believe in..

Wrong. If everyone who supported Paul writes his name on their ballot Romney will be our next president and medical cannabis in The United States will end. That is a fact. We need those votes to keep our Act alive. You see, everything you propose gets Romney elected and kills medical cannabis. We get it. We understand what you want. Expect a fight like you have never felt because this is life or death for some of us. Expect no quarter.

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Ron Paul is NOT going to be president......please give it up. To the rest of us, it makes you look desperate and out of touch.....seriously.


If you're going to include a third name in the poll, why don't you include someone that is actually running and has the same ideals as Ron Paul.....Gary Johnson.

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Ron Paul is NOT going to be president......please give it up. To the rest of us, it makes you look desperate and out of touch.....seriously.


If you're going to include a third name in the poll, why don't you include someone that is actually running and has the same ideals as Ron Paul.....Gary Johnson.


Because that wouldn't skew the poll results like she wants to, duh.

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The first sentence wasn't directed to Alicia only. It was directed to all the Paul supporters on the forum.


Ah my bad. Some of his supporters are completely out of touch with reality, but I think others are being quite disingenuous in their support. The former amuse me, the latter kinda tinkle me off. Its not even their games that make me angry, its that they think people are stupid enough to fall for it. That and the fact that far too many people are....

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Is "reality" something you have no control of, Petyr? Do you not have a voice with which to say "This is what I want. This is my ideal." Do you not have a pair of balls which compel you to influence the world around you? Or do you just go with the flow all the time and even defend the status quo?

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