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I stand corrected...yes what I meant to say is you should try to be a little less objectionable…you know offensive and distasteful...

Do you really think this post below was really that offensive and distasteful? Really?

I believe you have underlying personal issues that have formed your desicion that your practice would be better off doing something else. Otherwise, you would view Romney, and the end of medical cannabis, as the big threat the rest of us see him/it. If your practice was totally dependant on medical cannabis, like a lot of us are, then you would be 100% on board in stopping Romney from ending it for us. Because the only work any doctor will have in medical cannabis, in the years to come, if Romney is elected, is rehabilitation services to get us on prescription drugs again. There will be no doctor recs written for medical marijuana with Romney in office.

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Do you really think this post below was really that offensive and distasteful? Really?


Yes…being one of the biggest advocates in the community I do. I have no underlying issues..that formed my decision about our practice being better off. I do not want to see an end to MM…much of the community is like our family..and aside from that I also have very personal reasons that keep me in the fight. So it's really nonsense to view me or anyone else opposed to Obama…as not supporting MM. It's also just foolish to vote solely on that one issue…you must consider all the issues. If Romney gets elected I do not believe MM will end. If Obama gets re-elected…Liberty will though.

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Yes…being one of the biggest advocates in the community I do. I have no underlying issues..that formed my decision about our practice being better off. I do not want to see an end to MM…much of the community is like our family..and aside from that I also have very personal reasons that keep me in the fight. So it's really nonsense to view me or anyone else opposed to Obama…as not supporting MM. It's also just foolish to vote solely on that one issue…you must consider all the issues. If Romney gets elected I do not believe MM will end. If Obama gets re-elected…Liberty will though.

That bold part up there is the root of the problem. Not my posts. We have separate realities.


Why don't you think Romney will end medical marijuana? He said it should be illegal. He said he doesn't believe in it. What part of that gives you hope? Medical marijuana is a very fragile thing. Romney will trash it. Anyone who follows the issue, like yourself, can't hide from the facts. Romney thinks it should be illegal and he doesn't believe in it.


I believe the burden is on you to tell us what YOU think Romney will do with an issue he says he doesn't even believe in. Being in the medical field, you must understand how rock headed mean that opinion is with the evidence there is out there. You said he would self educate himself. He said he didn't believe in it AFTER this self education. You have a very tall hill to climb to bring anyone around to your thinking about Romney.


So let's hear what you think medical marijuana will be like with Romney and not Obama. Prove to me that I'm wrong with real ideas and not just nay saying. How is medical going to survive with Mitt in the White House? How will you get him to promote something that he doesn't even believe in after all this time and evidence? After he promises that it will be illegal? He says it 'should be' illegal.

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That bold part up there is the root of the problem. Not my posts. We have separate realities.


Why don't you think Romney will end medical marijuana? He said it should be illegal. He said he doesn't believe in it. What part of that gives you hope? Medical marijuana is a very fragile thing. Romney will trash it. Anyone who follows the issue, like yourself, can't hide from the facts. Romney thinks it should be illegal and he doesn't believe in it.


I believe the burden is on you to tell us what YOU think Romney will do with an issue he says he doesn't even believe in. Being in the medical field, you must understand how rock headed mean that opinion is with the evidence there is out there. You said he would self educate himself. He said he didn't believe in it AFTER this self education. You have a very tall hill to climb to bring anyone around to your thinking about Romney.


So let's hear what you think medical marijuana will be like with Romney and not Obama. Prove to me that I'm wrong with real ideas and not just nay saying. How is medical going to survive with Mitt in the White House? How will you get him to promote something that he doesn't even believe in after all this time and evidence? After he promises that it will be illegal? He says it 'should be' illegal.


I have educated myself on Romney..Obama and Paul. If you believe Romney may be your next president…The Burden and responsibility to educate yourself about him is on you…not me. I think making yourself aware of candidates and all the issues..is up to you. So don't look to me or the message boards to do that for you.

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Mitt Romney says he “supports the Second Amendment”. And, based on a casual glance at his record, you could almost believe him.On the other hand, he signed an “assault weapons” ban.

Like father, like son: Both Romneys used the guise of “safety” to deny the right to own a handgun to lower-income persons and “undesireables“.

Now how many anti gun laws did Obama sign NONE

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Romeny said there are prescription drugs that will do the same thing for you that medical marijuana will do. Doctors know that he is a moron. Morons make terrible presidents. No telling what they will do.


He said medical cannabis should be illegal. With medical marijuana, we know his mind numbing hate will lead him to do it. At all costs for medical, he must be stopped.

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Is "reality" something you have no control of, Petyr? Do you not have a voice with which to say "This is what I want. This is my ideal." Do you not have a pair of balls which compel you to influence the world around you? Or do you just go with the flow all the time and even defend the status quo?


Um no one has control over reality. It is what it is, that's why it is reality. I wanted Paul to be the nominee, I gave money to his campaign, had signs in my yard and voted for him in the primary. I tried to influence the world with my pair of balls.


But we fell short. The reality of the situation is the Paul ship has sailed and Obama is the choice for MMJ patients.


Telling yourself that you want something to be doesn't make it so, sorry.


For god's sake his son Rand endorsed Romney, I would think that might be a sign its over.

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Um no one has control over reality. It is what it is, that's why it is reality. I wanted Paul to be the nominee, I gave money to his campaign, had signs in my yard and voted for him in the primary. I tried to influence the world with my pair of balls.


But we fell short. The reality of the situation is the Paul ship has sailed and Obama is the choice for MMJ patients.


Telling yourself that you want something to be doesn't make it so, sorry.


For god's sake his son Rand endorsed Romney, I would think that might be a sign its over.



Didn't know you had supported Paul. I sure didn't get that impression from what you said about Paul supporters amusing you and pissing you off.


The great thing about being human is that we do in fact influence reality with our will. I'm not suggesting we can wish Ron Paul into office at this point. What I am saying is members of this board failed utterly by acting against Ron Paul when there actually was a chance in helll.

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Personally, I knew the republicans wouldn't have Ron Paul. I think it was obvious all along. But we all have our own ideas, right or wrong. Turns out that I was right this time on that one. It wasn't even close. Paul didn't win one single state. My personal belief is that they wanted to use Paul to steal our marijuana advocate votes away from Obama. I see at least one person here still following that false path. Which is fine BUT don't expect to promate Romney here. It's like promoting crushing old cars on an antique auto restorer web site. You will get your fanny kicked hard. You are messing with what we love and we will fight that with whatever we have left. Your vote is yours. That is one thing. But when you venture out to get more votes, you are fair game for the fanny kicking debate, where we fight to win and keep our medical.

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I've been watching and listening and now I am going to tell you exactly why I am going to vote primarily for one issue - MMJ. I have a particularly aggressive form of prostate cancer and if Gov Romney is elected I won't even have this opportunity to save my undeserving life. I FEEL THAT IS A GOOD ENOUGH REASON FOR ME TO VOTE FOR THE "STATUS QUO."


On the other hand, if you listened to Glen Becks' Radio crazy this morning on WOOD Radio 106.9 FM you would have heard about Gov Romney's amazing ability to morph to the side of the people he is speaking to. Mr. Romney will be the president of flip flop, but never of the USA.

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