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Paperwork And Letters

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Question: I sent in a Change Form. How long does it take to receive a new registry ID card? And what do I do between the time I sent my Change Form and 20 days?
Answer: The MMMA does not address a mandated number of days the MMP has to review Change Forms. Therefore, the answer above regarding approved applications does not apply. The patient (and if a caregiver was designated on the Change Form) should receive their new registry ID cards within approximately 60-90 days.


Question: Do I have to notify my current caregiver if I change to a new one?
Answer: When the MMP processes a change form to remove a caregiver, the caregiver will receive a notice that their registry ID card for that patient is no longer valid. Prior to receipt of the letter (which can take up to 60 days to receive) the responsibility falls on the patient to communicate with the caregiver to notify him or her that he or she is no longer protected under the law.



i think this is a new SOP.  i thought in the past LARA was not notifying the caregiver upon changes. 


i am happy to see this in the new information.

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In the new FAQ it says that you will be protected from cival and criminal penalty ONCE YOU RECIEVE YOUR NEW CARD when sending in a change form. Does not sound like you are protected in lets say a scenerio where you execute a change of caregiver form? That being said looks like when I sign on a new patient and that patient has to execute a change for to add me then they NOW will have to wait until we RECIEVE the card before I can help them because I will not be protected. NOW a patient has to wait even longer. So sick of it

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So I should've just waited to get my card. I'm moving to traverse city area, most likely...within the next few months. I'll have just gotten my first card by then. Then I'll have to do a change form for my address and to add a caregiver, and I'll get a new card that reflects these changes?

No you should have done exactly what you did and send it in now.

Yes you will get a new card. Even given what I just posted YOU still should be ok inbetween cards it would be the caregiver that would have the waiting game for protection. When you do send in your change form just use your old card as you would until you get your new card. All my opinion of course.

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