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New 6K Room Build Out


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all i am saying mal...


not to seem argumentative..


if i ever get diagnosed with something as serious as say cancer...


i will need - i would say - one plant a day.. minimum... however i may have to ingest it..


because i know it can work....


in many given scenarios..


and i would want to try.... at a minimum.



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your thinking more i bet aren't you... :)


i knew i was being to conservative... (i never said cure either by the way... :) )


actually it might well be a great new thread topic...


how much cannabis do you need per day to fight a particular aliment.... :)


my dad passed from gleoblastoma stage 4 in February of 2000.


i read a study quite a while back (university of Arizona i think) where they accidentally showed in concentrated amounts... cannabis shrank the gleo tumors....


since we don't have much published research data... perhaps it's a great topic to discuss further.

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You don't know cannabis shrank the tumors. Tumors rise and fall regularly.


The only legitimate study I have ever seen on this topic shows cannabis can help with clearing up free radicals through encouraging enzymes like endonuclease to activate and start Apoptosis. Many things encourage Apoptosis and none have proven effective enough yet.


 Is it a good thing? Well yea.  But it is a huge leap to go from that study to where we have people saying eating a bunch of hash oil will cure cancer.  Then making up random amounts that have no basis in anything whatsoever.


 Is there a need in research and the possibility of some sort of treatment injection directly into a tumor that will stimulate Apoptosis? Of course.  That is why we do research.


 But I find most of this logic and standards to be nonsense when it comes to this treating cancer with 3-6 grams of hash oil per day.


 Arse pulling nonsense.




 See,... I tried to walk away.

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that's cool mal if you dont believe in it...


i do..


and once again...i should reiterate i never said cure...


since there's very few published standards...


and since there's very little published research..


how much would you recommend?


ill find the study..i think it was using rats.. from the university of Arizona.. about trying to prove how cannabis is an intoxicant however it shrank gleo's.. i have it bookmarked somewhere...i wanna say it was in the 70's... imagine how much we would know if they would not have buried that research but allowed us to expand that knowledge....


but.. since we are on the subject discussing homeopathic research...

how much?


how much cannabis in a 1/2 gram bho capsule form would you recommend for a person suffering from say gleoblastoma?


see i tried to not engage you also...  :blow-a-heart:


it's a valid point on both our behalf's.


there isn't enough information to make an informed decision.


if a person is diagnosed with gleoblastoma tomorrow and comes to find out how much cannabis in BHO capsule form they should take to help... they can't possibly know...


the mere fact we are discussing it will help the next person no matter what..




to make sure that we are on the same page..


i do not know if cannabis can cure cancer.


i have read many study's...


if i was diagnosed... i can only say what i would want to try...


like i said..


it is worthy of a thread...


it is worthy of several threads...


it is worthy of all the research money we can collectively combine.


and it all starts with the question...how much cannabis would i want to take every day to try to shrink (address the symptoms of) a particular ailment?

Edited by mibrains
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you may think all of this is "excessive" but i hardly think it is. After a few years of growing i have ran into many problems like everyone else heat issues, PM, mold, poor genetics all of that and just like everyone else that grows they always say this one thing only if i had the money i would upgrade. Well now i show up every 2 days feed the plants and walk out knowing i will never run into those issues again. at the end of the day its just a plant don't stress over it.

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way off on the pricing. here is the run down on how much this room cost me.


6 new Magnum XXXL- 160 each in total 960

6 new Sols Tek Ballast - 300 each in total 1800

1 used Gen1 4 burner 70 bucks missing a plug i still have to buy

1 Used Ruud 3 ton AC unit 1200 and 300 in parts in total 1500

electrical parts and gas plumbing came some where around 400

Flooring 100, Fans 200, used co2 controller 150, and small things like rails and light holders around 300.

All labor was done by me so i don't counts that as money giving a total cost in the ball park of 5500.

yep, contracted $11 grand

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every patient may enjoy one of these rooms. goFaygo. sure, perhaps with a few less lights and maybe only 12,000 btu's of a/c. ample but- Yeah, it's a thing of beauty, in it's simplicity. although, with the help of a contractor, 10k is a high start-up cost for avg patient. did I miss what strain is gonna be up in this.. welcome to faygo's "it's just a plant" machine?

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solid test garden,

to find good new genetics from seed. i always end up scrapping a few plants along the search, in addition to all the darn males. yep that would xplain the light amplitude jus to find a few keeper plants.


if this summer is anything like last, air-conditioning will be A+. does anyone have a brand for easy install split-system (ductless) units 24k btu's that they can recc.?

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If you are going to get a mini split ductless go with a brand name like Mitsubishi,LG,Fujitsu and Panasonic. Units are only as good as the compressor. go to www.acwholesalers.com pretty good site with plenty of ductless to pick from.

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Instead of a 3 ton ac why don't you run uh i don't know ..........a mini split....... You should look into them they are extremely efficient and the 24000 btu would keep a 6 light room at darn near freezing.........not to be critical but you may thank me after research...... 

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Nice room Faygo! Can't wait to see it full!


good job Faygo..


Great work !


thank you for sharing....


looks like some patients will be getting an adequate supply of this amazing plant with your efforts..


i would venture a guess you could take care of 5 patients who need maximum yield....possibly with this setup... but maybe not.


the math for BHO i have seen is approximately one ounce of high quality bud equals maybe 4-5 grams of concentrate...


that means a minimum one ounce every other day for someone with an aggressive treatment schedule.


so just one patient using 1-4 grams of concentrate per day to fight off a disease would need 3-4 ounces a week...and a caregiver with a setup like this one would be able to have enough concentrates to effectively provide that..


i can say...


if i am diagnosed with cancer...

i would want to eat as much concentrate as i could get my hands on...


4 grams a day seems like a minimum when a person is trying to save their life..

and then there is juicing cannabis..



excellent pictures..


thank you again for sharing them with us..


You can get up to 7g/ oz of winterized extract with the right strain and equipment. Of course, this is not decarbed extract. You lose some lighter compounds (and weight) making BSO (butane Simpson oil).



3-6 grams of hash oil? per day??? And ya think that will cure cancer?




I will move along on that one. :-)

I know of a patient that was taking about 3gs a day for cancer, and she can't be over 125lbs. Edited by Northern Lab
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The cost for a 2.5 ton central a/c that was installed today by HVAC contractor, licensed and insured: $1948, the second lowest of 7 bids.

Today I learned that each 1000w lamp needs 3500 BTU a/c.

Also, one ton of a/c=12,000 BTU.

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Nice set up man.


I agree the three ton is a good idea for 6 lights especially if it's not insulated that good. I usually figure about 4500 btu/1000W in a well insulated space, but you also have to figure in heat from the dehumidifiers and that co2 burner.


Speaking of dehumidifiers, I found 70 pint per day machines at Lowe's the other day for $200. 3 of those would keep it perfect in there.


So you're running the Solisteks on the built in timers? Do you have any kind of temp sensor hooked up that will shut the lights off if the AC poops out on you?

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