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New Conditions Panel, 4/26

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Did I hear that correctly Mal? Did you just say that Hayduke was the only panel member to show up on the panel side?


Besides the LARA rep and AG rep and accompanying randoms, yes(hayduke verify please).  The last public testimony only 2 people showed up,... Dr Crocker and Hayduke on the panel side.


The testimony in transcribed and sent to the panel members though. *shrug*


But let me explain how the meetings are basicly,.... First,... when a petition is submitted, LARA puts same condition petitions together, send them to all panel members then has a meeting.  At this meeting they do a preliminary vote on each condition, and after that, the petitioners and public are allowed to speak "after" the vote has taken place.  There has been two of these meetings so far and I believe 9 and 7 panel members showed up for those.  After that meeting, they schedule an actual "public testimony" meeting for those conditions around 30-45 days later. That was what this last meeting was. No votes, public testimony only.  Panel members are not required to attend these meetings(meetings with no votes), although WTF! right?  


 So, at the next meeting in 30-60 days or wtvr, they will do a final vote on the conditions that were open for public testimony this past week(asthma,autism) AND do a preliminary vote on the next petitions filed. 


 That is basicly how they seem to be operating this. 


 1st meeting on a condition has a prelim vote and petitioner/public testimony. Second meeting is open for public testimony. Third meeting is for final vote; and also prelim votes on the next conditions. Rinse and repeat. :-)


 ALL testimony is sent to all panel members. ALL studies submitted are put together and sent to panel members. Video can be submitted I am sure.  We have like another 30-60 days(hayduke confirm please) to submit testimony, evidence, and studies to support the inclusion of those conditions(asthma/autism) before they do the final vote for them at the next meeting.


 So this was a public testimony meeting.  But it sure is lame these physicians aren't taking the time to show up.  It seems if you want the physicians to hear testimony, it needs to be done at the "vote" meetings at the end when they open it up for comment.




 So,... we need to, as a community, get our collective assses together and make this happen.  The meetings(vote meetings) are only like every 3 months or something.  Put it ont he calendar.  Even if you aren't wishing to testify at all, or have nothing to add; you can still show there is big support for the condition and witness history taking place. :-)

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Mal is pretty much correct.  In fairness I should say that all the panel members are unpaid volunteers.  Everyone is told directly, the Public Hearings are optional to attend in person.  They provide all documents and a transcript of the public testimony to all members to go over.  Personally, I feel it part of my civic duty to attend as many hearings and meetings as I can.


As to skype, I can only say it is a reasonable idea, but it would need to be coordinated thru LARA and Steve Creamer.  I have no input or control on that at all.  I believe they would accept a video dvd (or the equivalent) as long as it came in during the two month window of public comment.  Presently we are in that window for autism and asthma.  The final vote the panel will take on those two conditions is in early July, but no formal date has been set.  We meet again in early May to consider and take an initial vote on insomnia.


The final decision with PTSD and parkinson's is to be made by Mr. Arwood at LARA on or near May 12th.  I inquired as to the early betting lines on Friday and was told that no one knows what the outcome will be.


It was unfortunate we didn't have a bunch of people testifying last week, but that is the reality of it.  Also it is unfortunate we do not really have much data to support the medical use for asthma and autism.  It makes it very difficult to vote for a condition in the affirmative when there is so little testimony or research or proof.  The panel is not responsible for finding the research and data.  It really has to come from a motivated public.

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I believe the dates for sending in things regarding autism and asthma runs from April 8th to June 8th.  I do believe they will consider multiple forms of media as testimony.


Submissions may go to the email Zap posted, and certainly for PTSD and Parkinson's they used that email, but Friday I got an updated email and address to use for submissions.  They should now go to:


LARA Health Care Services - Health Professions Division

Health Care Information and Training Unit

PO Box 30670

Lansing, MI 48909

Joseph Yang, Department Analyst




(517) 241-1181

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Nothing terrible to my knowledge has happened to him. Bottom line is Resto does not take constructive criticism well. Not at all. So instead of adjusting and working with solid advice he takes his toys and goes home.  It is not possible to gently advise him, it just don't work.  

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Both petitioners didn't show?  Really.


I guess those suffering from Asthma and Autism continue to do so because they couldn't even come to support their petitions.  Time to get off your tails folks.  You wanted new conditions, do the work and follow through.


Dr. Bob


That seems to be the problem...  we all complain that we want certain things, but when it comes down to helping get it done, no one is around.


Case in point: right now there is a bill in Lansing (HB 4623) to decriminalize marijuana, and the posts that were made to help get support for it got very few views.


I am beginning to think perhaps we are getting just what we deserve... zip!

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That seems to be the problem...  we all complain that we want certain things, but when it comes down to helping get it done, no one is around.


Case in point: right now there is a bill in Lansing (HB 4623) to decriminalize marijuana, and the posts that were made to help get support for it got very few views.


I am beginning to think perhaps we are getting just what we deserve... zip!


I don't think I would take it that far but do see where you are coming from.... Some......

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SFC: we're all in this together. decrim helps medical. legalization helps medical. medical helps both decrim and legalization by showings its not dangerous after all.


its simple.

mmmp patients have been charged with posession, true or false?

decrim would help those patients charged w/ posession, true or false?

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I would love to be able to help with the asthma part of it but I cannot take off work yet. My 1 year will be up this July and then I will have some days I can use. As most of you probably know I have been using cannabis to help with my asthma about 3 years ago and it works wonders for helping mantain open broncial tubes and reduce my headaches because I do not have to use my advair more than 1 time a day and I only use my fast acting albuterol very little maybe 1 or 2 times a week. I don't have people asking my while I am shaking so much anymore  LOL my inside jitters have almost gone :)  if there is something I can do someone point me in the right direction and I will see what I can do.

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I would love to be able to help with the asthma part of it but I cannot take off work yet. My 1 year will be up this July and then I will have some days I can use. As most of you probably know I have been using cannabis to help with my asthma about 3 years ago and it works wonders for helping mantain open broncial tubes and reduce my headaches because I do not have to use my advair more than 1 time a day and I only use my fast acting albuterol very little maybe 1 or 2 times a week. I don't have people asking my while I am shaking so much anymore  LOL my inside jitters have almost gone :)  if there is something I can do someone point me in the right direction and I will see what I can do.

You can write. These are precisely the points they need to know. If you have proof it should be included. A history of your pharmaceutical use is available at your pharmacy, and in minutes, just for the asking. Because it would indicate the facts you describe, it would be great.


What confidentiality does the Panel offer Hayduke, if any? Would it become available in the public record? Would you be able to present it in our interest?

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