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Caregiver Gas Charge/fee Due To High Gas Prices.


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Nothing stays at a level or below levels for a long time, look at MIlk, Gas, shoes, cars, oil, clothes, NOTHING.


If you think this applies to the electric bill by all means please show me how I can keep increasing costs to a non-moving ladder.  meaning If i can buy power for the next year at a set price (todays price)show me how..?  Or nutes, etc, etc.  everything rises.  it's called inflation.


everything is tied to distribution costs...EVERYTHING.  gas people run the world.  All costs are going to be rising as GAS/fuel costs rise so will the price of MJ and everything else on the planet.


Nothing will stay at 1995 prices.  The laws of economics will kick in.  Sorry to inform you all of this sad fact.  Maybe some people need to go to community college and take accounting, or Economics or maybe even some math...I know I am not a smart guy but you don't gotta be smart to figure out how the world operates.!!

Edited by motorcitymeds
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Nothing will stay at 1995 prices.  The laws of economics will kick in.  Sorry to inform you all of this sad fact.  Maybe some people need to go to community college and take accounting, or Economics or maybe even some math...I know I am not a smart guy but you don't gotta be smart to figure out how the world operates.!!


Does not medication come down in price when a generic becomes available?  Just one instance. 


There are more and more growers here in Michigan putting out quality meds.  I predict we shall see many more as they fine tune things and learn.  Price often goes down when there is more of a product than being utilized.  Economics 101


Most could care less what you decide to charge.  Why should we care, if you are not our caregiver?  A person can charge whatever they choose if they have patients able and willing to pay for it. 


If you already have it all figured out, why ask for feedback?

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Lol...sometimes this place is too funny.i will admit, I've had a few patients pay 250...they also worked in auto industry.nothing wrong with it if they can afford it.doesnt matter that one can get 1 &1/2 lbs of top tier quality from a single light costing just a few hundred dollars in overhead.Mcm is out for profit..no shame in it.if the distribution bill passes, I will be too.(not at my patients expense)...but seriously dude 5 bucks...an extra five bucks...what's the point .lol unless your riding a motorcycle.

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Man, i need to go hang out at the country club and find some rich (and dumb) patients.  I'll sell it to them for $275 but offer a custom sealed mason jar for an extra 10.


Look at Cali for some supply and demand action.  If they have a good growing season this summer, pounds of AAA will be going for $1000.

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Does not medication come down in price when a generic becomes available?  Just one instance. 


There are more and more growers here in Michigan putting out quality meds.  I predict we shall see many more as they fine tune things and learn.  Price often goes down when more product is available than being utilized.  Economics 101


Most could care less what you decide to charge.  Why should we care, if you are not our caregiver?  A person can charge whatever they choose if they have patients able and willing to pay for it. 


If you already have it all figured out, why ask for feedback?

LOL..If I was out to get rich I sure would not be a CG.  I would be back in banking and or have a storefront DISPENSARY..!!!

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Man, i need to go hang out at the country club and find some rich (and dumb) patients.  I'll sell it to them for $275 but offer a custom sealed mason jar for an extra 10.


Look at Cali for some supply and demand action.  If they have a good growing season this summer, pounds of AAA will be going for $1000.

I could care less PERSONALLy about cali because I don't do weight ...EVER.  ANd my Indoor meds squash that outdoor stuff.  Not even in my mindset of to even talk CALI outdoor....lol...let the gangbangers talk about Pounds from Cali.  Not my thing.  Nor should that be with any of us on this site...I hope.??

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The gas money discussion is always a grin to me.  I had a relative who didn't want to make the 70-mile trip down for Mother's day this year.....why?....because gas was just too expensive.....and you see all manner of grief-stricken people on the local news who wring their hands and gasp about canceling a family vacation due to higher gas prices. 


So let's break it down.  20 miles per gallon.....divided by 80 miles round-trip....= 4 gallons of gas.  At $3/gal, that's $12 for gas.  At $4/gal that's $16 for gas.  So the $5 price bump to a patient wouldn't be out of line.....


but let's not pretend like gas prices make or break most decisions.


Heading out for a road trip to Nashville this summer?  1,300-mile round  trip...at 20 miles per gallon = 65 gallons of gas.  That's $195 when gas is $3.  That's $260 when gas is $4. 


So people are canceling such trips over another 65 bucks.  If your margin of financial error on a road trip is less than $65, then you shouldn't even think about going in the first place. 


I'm not disagreeing with the OP at all with regard to the gas money thing.  He can't claim any mileage expenses against any income, so he eats any cost increase due to gas.  If a CG is being compensated for costs associated with assisting a pt with the medical use of marijuana, then another $4-$5 per delivery is an added cost.  Bully for him if he can get $10/gram and his patients are happy. 

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LOL..If I was out to get rich I sure would not be a CG.  I would be back in banking and or have a storefront DISPENSARY..!!!


I do not know what you are referring to here. 


I did not mention getting rich nor dispensaries in my post.  I never said one word about anyone getting rich.  EVER.  I never used the word rich anywhere in this thread in any context, other than quoting you.


Why must you keep putting words where there are none?  


I am sorry you took my words out of context from the beginning and misunderstood me.  I did not intend my "feedback" (that you requested) to be taken as a direct slam to you or as sarcasm.  I don't play those games.  


I can not understand why you continue to put words in my mouth though. 

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I switch off with my patients.  I go to them,next week, they come to me.

Celly:  brilliant and simple.  We had a patient in Flint who found that unfair, and he dropped out; but for those patients who have wheels, it splits gas and time down the middle.

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dude shld give seminars on how to hustle mmj within upper middle class clientel, and the merits of top-shelf.

sure the smokes great, so what? at higher pricing the gas charge is nickel-n-dime CG oriented behavior... just gro more, or be more efficient in other ways, rather than itemizing. oops too late now as a few patients r out CG shopping, haa jk jk.

my 2c

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dude shld give seminars on how to hustle mmj within upper middle class clientel, and the merits of top-shelf.

sure the smokes great, so what? at higher pricing the gas charge is nickel-n-dime CG oriented behavior... just gro more, or be more efficient in other ways, rather than itemizing. oops too late now as a few patients r out CG shopping, haa jk jk.

my 2c

Hustle  what..?  LOL No need to hustle anything.  A hustle would imply that my people got swindled.  If anything they hustle me for traveling to them and not charging more.


I told 2 of my patients to go shop even told them a few sites to go get deliveries.  And they did get some Metro Delivery guys to come out and i was there on all but 2 occasions and they are still with me.  90% of what is out there is medium grade. 


Very few people go to the extremes to be 100% Organic.  When you are a chemical dirt guy and or Hydro Chemical grower cannot even get close.  No need to puff up my chest as i am not on here to try and steal the market.  I am good just the way things are now.  There are plenty of dispensary owenrs that are trying to gobble up the market.  Leave all the hustling to the Huslters.  That's not my gig. 


Product speaks for itself by loyalty.  And when you tell people to go find better and they still come back that speaks more than all the words I can come up with.



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I believe that product is only part of sales, relationships is the other part for long-term clients. And didn't mean to imply to are swindling anybody, just that you are long-winded to justify a stinky little charge. The 5$ may be too low (Lol) and sounds like an odd up-charge. If deliveries are metro local I'd skip it altogether! If they are more than 20-30 miles away, if 'necessary', I'd call it an even 3 hundo. (20$ charge Lol, who's thinking Now?) everything else evens out over time and no 'nickel'-dime literally... 5$. (?)

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I believe that product is only part of sales, relationships is the other part for long-term clients. And didn't mean to imply to are swindling anybody, just that you are long-winded to justify a stinky little charge. The 5$ may be too low (Lol) and sounds like an odd up-charge. If deliveries are metro local I'd skip it altogether! If they are more than 20-30 miles away, if 'necessary', I'd call it an even 3 hundo. (20$ charge Lol, who's thinking Now?) everything else evens out over time and no 'nickel'-dime literally... 5$. (?)

The reason I only added 5 bucks is so that the price stays low but I just can't justify not splitting the costs because none of my patients want to drive to me because it's 35-45 mins depending on if they or I travel in rush hour.


At 300 they all would be crying murder.  even though I could scratch them all start over and easily acquire new patients at a rate of compensation of 300.00. 


And yes you are correct it is about long term relationships.  I have had all of my patients for 2-4 yrs or so.  I might drop 1 that is bi-polar and help out  alocal guy that is a hop skip and a jump away.  we shall see. 


LOng term safety is part of the reason why I still opt to stay small and keep the quality high versus going big and go storefront route.  I could do a store front for a few yrs then quit and bank all my cash like these store fronts do.  But i would not be able to sleep at night without getting hooked on some pills to aid me at sleep.  As it is my anxiety is already sku high along with blood pressure and hyper tension just from being a CG.


anybody who says this shiet is stress free is probably lying or narced up on sedatives. lol

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'5 yrs now and I have been in dang near a 50-75 grows.'


That alone is reason for becoming a superior grower.   George Cervantes says in his videos:  'the best way to learn growing is to visit other grows.'  I envy you those 50-75.   Nothing is more interesting than being in someone else's grow and smoking what they produce. I've built maybe 40, but not seen them operating, sigh.

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'5 yrs now and I have been in dang near a 50-75 grows.'


That alone is reason for becoming a superior grower.   George Cervantes says in his videos:  'the best way to learn growing is to visit other grows.'  I envy you those 50-75.   Nothing is more interesting than being in someone else's grow and smoking what they produce. I've built maybe 40, but not seen them operating, sigh.

You built 40 ..daang,,Impressive.  I def have been ina lot of grows especially in my first 2 years of having my "other" website up.  I pulled down my website when all those raids went down in oakland county a few years back.


But for sure when you see what others are doing and what not it lets you see whats up.  I am not saying mine is the best out in the industry but it is definitely not poo poo like lots of the part time amatuer grows I have seen.  I prety much do all my own work.  I keep it basic, I use control panels that I can wire myself and install.  A titan and a Sentinel hard wired direct to my 200 amp box.  most of my room is on 220.



Ok so 75 is pushing it but definitely near 50 grow rooms.  I used to give advice to beginners and what not but that shiet gets old when newbies call or email for advice that they should be reading about or learning by hands on experience.  Now I really don't partake in much of that because it gets to time consuming.  i wish I had more time to help but in my opinion I helped so many people in the first few yrs of the state turning legal that I did my pro-bono work..!!  lol

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Is that an invitation to Your grow pic, heh heh.


Yes motor i hear ya in the stress associated w being a CG. the longer you grow the less this shld be an issue, especially when you keep it small..


last thought on delivery fee, Or 1oz/visit min.

I thought I would chill out after all this time but I still treat everything like it was day 1 and like it is illegal still.  when you get sloppy and start telling people what you do people start talking and getting jealous.  My neighbors all wonder what I do all day but when I moved I had to give a cover story about my occupation so nobody drops dimes to the wrong person.


Jealous as- haters snitch like pigs whining for food.



I don't ever think I will relax in the business until the day comes when its legalized then and only can we truly tell the donut eaters to fux off.  Because then and only then will the fear of prosecution subside.  Until then I will Never ever trust any form of Law Enforcement.  The whole system from judges to cops is still bnased off court time, fee's, probation, FED money for convictkions and all that freakin BS.


So I doubt i will ever ease up ..to much to lose when it comes to your freedom and personal life.  These cops would not raid our homes if we could raid theres back.  Ohh what I would do to be a cop for a day and go rogue and start a hit list of dirty cops and raid all their houses and press them up against the wall with trumped up charges.   ! !  lol....wait that was my dream last night..haha

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I'm not bitching all I'm saying is it don't matter if it's a 100 or 300 bucks, if the people don't have the money it ain't moving.


Yeah, my meds are what I would consider top shelf and worth more than 200 but like I said....can't squeeze blood out of a stone.

Was wondering when Les paul was gonna chirp in..lol.


I don't have to worry about dropping my price and never will.  What ya'll don't get is that there is always a premium paid to PREMIUM products.  Look  at Gucci versus Raybans.  Levi versus BUCKLE BRAND jeans.  Chevy versus Cadillac.  QUALITY.  Do you think people care about price when what your deliverying is better than the rest of the market.?


Les paul I hope you are growing TRIPLE AAA...but if you are why not command TOP TIER for all your hard work.


You see there will always be top dollar for top quality.  When you put your heart, sweat and soul into your work you will always be rewarded I don't care what your doing.


At 200.00 per I will be in the food stamps line then all you tax paying CG's can pay for me to live. lol...that is your paying taxes on your meds like you should be properly.!! 

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I'm not bitching all I'm saying is it don't matter if it's a 100 or 300 bucks, if the people don't have the money it ain't moving.


Yeah, my meds are what I would consider top shelf and worth more than 200 but like I said....can't squeeze blood out of a stone.

Price is how and what you make of it.  Selling 200 is 200 if it is deemed at that amount.  That does not really make sense..lol..vaporizer is going well right now..i hate how everyone think that their stuff is the best.  Our minds are tricked to think that what we make is the best.  In a free open market people will pay what they deem a product is worth.


If people are willing to pay 300 it is for a reason.  The realikty is that most people in today saturated market are not stupid anymore.   I remember when I was in my early 20's 325 a zip for OG was a good deal.  because it ws almost impossible to get KUSh back then.


But to get that same amount now requirethe total package.  It has to be better than pretty much everything out there because as so many of you have stated it is a saturated market.  This is true about the competition.


However there will always be premiums paid to those that go the extra step and never take short cuts and do things that others do not. Those that go the extra mile get rewarded in many ways.  Satisfaction that people get when they are relieved of pain  by your medicine and they will compensate you for all the hard work as well.



When people get what they want (whatever it may be) you in turn will get what you want.



With this i am stepping away from this thread.  It has gone far enough.



If anyone wants to add in anymore feel free but I have nothing else to add.  I am stepping away from chirping anymore of my 2 cents in.

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you're upping your patients to 285?  Holy bunny muffin dude.  Thats expensive.  Unless they are rich, snobby folk then thats okay.  But if they are middle class or lower class thats borderline immoral.  My low income patients get a free oz a month for helping trim.  Noone of any of my patients pays more than 160/oz. 



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Was wondering when Les paul was gonna chirp in..lol.


I don't have to worry about dropping my price and never will.  What ya'll don't get is that there is always a premium paid to PREMIUM products.  Look  at Gucci versus Raybans.  Levi versus BUCKLE BRAND jeans.  Chevy versus Cadillac.  QUALITY.  Do you think people care about price when what your deliverying is better than the rest of the market.?


Les paul I hope you are growing TRIPLE AAA...but if you are why not command TOP TIER for all your hard work.


You see there will always be top dollar for top quality.  When you put your heart, sweat and soul into your work you will always be rewarded I don't care what your doing.


At 200.00 per I will be in the food stamps line then all you tax paying CG's can pay for me to live. lol...that is your paying taxes on your meds like you should be properly.!! 


Mr motorcity meds.   Um..  Excuse me. 

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