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Caregiver Gas Charge/fee Due To High Gas Prices.


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you're upping your patients to 285?  Holy bunny muffin dude.  Thats expensive.  Unless they are rich, snobby folk then thats okay.  But if they are middle class or lower class thats borderline immoral.  My low income patients get a free oz a month for helping trim.  Noone of any of my patients pays more than 160/oz. 



Bro...REALLY...?  Reallly..?    REEEAALLLYY>>>?



Then I should say the same thing to the STATE of MI for paying taxes on my CG's services, and for paying unemployment for so many to sit at home and get bent.  Or to the IRS which I pay monthly. Or i should file a claim against the Government for taxing me anadditional 13.1% payroll tax match because I am self employed.  But you probably have NO  idea what any of this means because your not doing things properly and paying taxes.  If you did you would know what the funk is up.  There are costs to running a Caregiver operation.  I am not rich nor do I even consider myself upper middle class.  I live in a average home is it clean and free of Crack heads for now yes.  But that does not mean what i do makes me rich.  get off the hate chair guy.


 Should I go off on the guy at the gas statioin and say your immoral for working in a industry raping hard working people for charging 4.25 a gallon gas?.  Or to Meijers for charging so much for eggs, or Milk.  Look at the prices on a chart if you can figure out how to look up stats like these.  If you all think MEds should not go up in price accordingly to the price of all other good and services then well..your stuck in the bong tube.  get your head out.  Everything goes up in price over time.  As someone pointed out earlier whenGenerics are released to the market then yes prices drop for the people who can only afford to take umpure drugs or knock offs.  But when your bringing PURE or in our case TRUE ORGANIC RARE Meds that are Superior to the market guess what...you get a NON-GENERIC price and people pay the freakin premium price tag.  Get over it. it is what it is. Not everyone has to live off bread and water or smoke Beaster bud grown from an amatuer in a chemical gutter house with mold, mites, and who ever knows what else.


Get a life man.  For real.  want more money go out and get it.  Seriously.  We live in a FREE country.  stop bitching about who is rich and blah..blah..blah....get off it.


Immoral...LOL...nothing else to say except your jealous and hateful for what I am doing or getting.  Envious obviously.  If I laid out all the things I do to make my medicine wortth every penny you could not afford to even buy my monthly supply list.  YOU know what Not even worth reducing myself to that level.


have a nice day guy.  You can save your BS for some other chump.  You get what you put into life.  PERIOD.

Edited by motorcitymeds
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I am stepping off.  But i am not going to let retards try and walk over me.  The responses are getting comical so i guess I will just have to ignore them. 


There are those that know whats up and then there are those that just do not.


And then there are those that insult the mentally challenged.....HJ

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Aren't you part of a collective mcm?  yeah, the elitist breeder, smh.  :money:



:hair:  :horse:














Wow, I feel dumber having read this thread..



I am stepping off.  But i am not going to let retards try and walk over me.  The responses are getting comical so i guess I will just have to ignore them. 


There are those that know whats up and then there are those that just do not.

That is totally uncalled for.


And then there are those that insult the mentally challenged.....HJ


Thank you HJ, you beat me to it.

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Anybody that didn't think prices were going to fall after this law took effect must be wanting to run a dispensary.  There were probably less than 10,000 of us growing in this state pre-09, now likely ten times that many. The supply is definitely up. Sure I could still get 300 an oz but I feel a lot better giving my patients what I consider a good and fair deal at 200. If my patients are happy I am happy.  I guess there is a difference as well if you are doing this for your primary income, which is a bad idea. 

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Anybody that didn't think prices were going to fall after this law took effect must be wanting to run a dispensary.  There were probably less than 10,000 of us growing in this state pre-09, now likely ten times that many. The supply is definitely up. Sure I could still get 300 an oz but I feel a lot better giving my patients what I consider a good and fair deal at 200. If my patients are happy I am happy.  I guess there is a difference as well if you are doing this for your primary income, which is a bad idea. 

To each his own Boss.

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Aren't you part of a collective mcm?  yeah, the elitist breeder, smh.  :money:









That is totally uncalled for.



Thank you HJ, you beat me to it.

Not sure what business it is of yours, who , what or why I do anything. . .But Thanks for your input.  well Taken.

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Anybody that didn't think prices were going to fall after this law took effect must be wanting to run a dispensary.  There were probably less than 10,000 of us growing in this state pre-09, now likely ten times that many. The supply is definitely up. Sure I could still get 300 an oz but I feel a lot better giving my patients what I consider a good and fair deal at 200. If my patients are happy I am happy.  I guess there is a difference as well if you are doing this for your primary income, which is a bad idea. 

If you can get 300 then do it.  Supply means nothing.  Quality reins.  that is what you all just do not get.  Supply filled with average does not phase those that are not in that arena.  Say what you will.  It is what it is.

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 I don't know what to tell you bro.  Just because you CAN charge a certain price does not mean you should or that it is right.  I have held onto the the same elites I had before this law, they are great, but they have also more than paid for themselves. Look, if this is your only income source I can completely understand the need to maximize your profit, I would do the same.  That is not me tho, I do not need the extra income generated from MMJ, so to me this is all just supplemental income.  Different strokes for different folks. Savvy

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Any feed back....I just sent text's to my patients informing them of the 5.00 per trip gas fee.  With over 4.00 gas I see no alternative but to pass the fee on down the poopline.  lol.


I absorbed costs for months but 4.00  gas is my limit.  Only 1 barked but not much to say.  I drive 35-45 to most of my patients so a 5.00 per trip fee does not even get me there and back.


So for most of my patients the fee went from 280.00 to 285.00.  In my eyes I think it is more than fair.



What do some of you CareGiver's think..?

I think your too high to begin with, I wouldnt pay you 280 an oz, I would go to a despense before i paid a c.g that much!


I am a c.g with a pt, and I have a c.g now you started the price issue, and it is between the c.g and pt what they pay and no one else, I get 200 and oz, my c.g gives me it free!  I do donate when I can but he gives me a hard time every time i try and pay him, (thats a compassionate c.g) im not even that compassionate lol!


I can get mm grade from quite a few people around my area for 80 a 1/2 and 150 a zip! and they are legal but will deal with anyone ..You prob grow real well to, but id tell ya to stick it for that price!




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I think your too high to begin with, I wouldnt pay you 280 an oz, I would go to a despense before i paid a c.g that much!


I am a c.g with a pt, and I have a c.g now you started the price issue, and it is between the c.g and pt what they pay and no one else, I get 200 and oz, my c.g gives me it free!  I do donate when I can but he gives me a hard time every time i try and pay him, (thats a compassionate c.g) im not even that compassionate lol!


I can get mm grade from quite a few people around my area for 80 a 1/2 and 150 a zip! and they are legal but will deal with anyone ..You prob grow real well to, but id tell ya to stick it for that price!




Based off what you just said I question whether your are high or missing marbles.  lets do 5th grade math...


20 a gram x 28=560  so your telling me that you would pay more.,.??  HMmm ..ok..cuz i do not know of ANY DISpENSARY THAT SELL GOOD MEDS FOR LESS than 20 a gram...well unless u buy a CALI REJECT BUD SPECIAL FOR  10-15 a gram.






Not sure what school you went to brohan but again I amazes me what people come up with on here.  NO dispensary sells meds for under 10 a gram unless it's reject bud or shake.


The mentality of this free stuff or I should only pay 1 dollar a gram is baffling...maybe you should do better math before you comment.


I feel bad for ya bud if you don't have a proper grow or good genetics but don't hate on me because of something that is missing in your life.  If you want more like I said to 5 different people on here ...Better your life.  Go out and grab whatever it is your seeking by the horns.



But I could care less what you think.  Just another hater...with mis-directed energy.

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Then I should say the same thing to the STATE of MI for paying taxes on my CG's services, and for paying unemployment for so many to sit at home and get bent.  Or to the IRS which I pay monthly. Or i should file a claim against the Government for taxing me anadditional 13.1% payroll tax match because I am self employed.  But you probably have NO  idea what any of this means because your not doing things properly and paying taxes.


When you claim your MMJ CGing income, do you deduct expenses?  Or do you pay income tax on your gross revenue and forget about expenses? 

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Someone is  butt hurt.  You ask for opinion and received it.   


But you are spot on.  I am super envious of you master motor city meds that doesn't even know chevrolet makes caddilac.  Mr motor meds, please show me your master ways to not be able to sustain onesself on $200 zips and have to collect food stamps... 

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Someone is  butt hurt.  You ask for opinion and received it.   


But you are spot on.  I am super envious of you master motor city meds that doesn't even know chevrolet makes caddilac.  Mr motor meds, please show me your master ways to not be able to sustain onesself on $200 zips and have to collect food stamps... 

LOL..go back and re-read and you will see it all.  No point in itemizing out my bills none of yur biz Brohan.


And Cadillac is a separate company.  They use similiar parts like the transmissions, and axles but where u got your info that friend your incorrect.  They are separate companies but use similiar suppliers.  Chevy is Chevy, Cadillac is cadillac.  But both are owned by GM.

 Both companies have separate tax ID numbers.  Cadillac's are primarily made at the POLE TOWN plant.  for the most part.


As far as sustaining oneself  on 200 a zip..if you can do it great for you.  If you live in Grandma's basement and don't pay any bills then hey all the power to ya Pal. 


When you get your big boy card come talk to me.  Until then save your negativity and go spew your trash talk eslewhere.  I don't have take any of it. And if you bring it then you will get it right back.


Have a nice night.

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WOW...Definitely some haters in this thread. Jealousy maybe? Sour Grapes? I dunno.


I love how folks wanna give MCM a hard time for getting $10/gram. Have you looked at dispensary prices lately? LOL..Not to mention 90% of the stuff the dispensaries charge $15-$20+ a gram for is what I would consider mids. 


There are a lot of people out there who would be THRILLED to get top shelf MEDICAL GRADE for $10/gram. 



I have been in this game for a long time. Excellent quality will always get better prices. Period. If you can't get that type of compensation, Step your game up.


If you choose to work for less, or give your stuff away for free out of the kindness of your heart, Bless you! Dont hate on someone who gets reasonable compensation for top shelf quality medicine.

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LOL..go back and re-read and you will see it all.  No point in itemizing out my bills none of yur biz Brohan.


And Cadillac is a separate company.  They use similiar parts like the transmissions, and axles but where u got your info that friend your incorrect.  They are separate companies but use similiar suppliers.  Chevy is Chevy, Cadillac is cadillac.  But both are owned by GM.

 Both companies have separate tax ID numbers.  Cadillac's are primarily made at the POLE TOWN plant.  for the most part.


As far as sustaining oneself  on 200 a zip..if you can do it great for you.  If you live in Grandma's basement and don't pay any bills then hey all the power to ya Pal. 


When you get your big boy card come talk to me.  Until then save your negativity and go spew your trash talk eslewhere.  I don't have take any of it. And if you bring it then you will get it right back.


Have a nice night.

I worked for a while for gm, I was in the bindery, we made all the books for all vehicles gm which included, cadilac, chevy, pontiac,buick, god I cant even think of them all, cadilac is a gm vehicle, their workers are g.m workers and are in the same union as the rest of the gm workers,  kinda like lincoln mercury is a ford product eh?


and as far as me not knowing what im talking about!  been at it for many yrs, I know lots of people who are still at it (black market) I was getting them kinda prices when I was not legal, now that I can do it legal all I had to do is add some plants, Ive been paying for my grow for yrs so it didnt cost me any more to do it again, and I dont have a problem offing it for 10 grm, but your not coming to me or im not going to you for 1 gram so why even talk about that, I dont live in a drug house any longer! actualy im living in my grandmas basement bawahahahaha!  Unfortunatly im a lil to old to have grand parents havent had any since the 90's


what are you like 20? brah once you been around the block a few times and sat in jail and had time to think you may change your ways or you will just be a phaq up all your life!  one or the other!


Have a Great Day!


Oh hey I thought you were done with this thread lol

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Those prices are more than reasonable for a top shelf product. You have great genetics no doubt, but it still takes a great environment and a considerable amount of skill and time to make them something special. 5$ delivery charge is fine. The pizza guy charges me close to 5$ to deliver. These are obviously not "needy" patients and can afford it. Be proud of what you do motor. 280 for the funk is a steal. Not all "top shelf" is equal.

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I worked for a while for gm, I was in the bindery, we made all the books for all vehicles gm which included, cadilac, chevy, pontiac,buick, god I cant even think of them all, cadilac is a gm vehicle, their workers are g.m workers and are in the same union as the rest of the gm workers,  kinda like lincoln mercury is a ford product eh?


and as far as me not knowing what im talking about!  been at it for many yrs, I know lots of people who are still at it (black market) I was getting them kinda prices when I was not legal, now that I can do it legal all I had to do is add some plants, Ive been paying for my grow for yrs so it didnt cost me any more to do it again, and I dont have a problem offing it for 10 grm, but your not coming to me or im not going to you for 1 gram so why even talk about that, I dont live in a drug house any longer! actualy im living in my grandmas basement bawahahahaha!  Unfortunatly im a lil to old to have grand parents havent had any since the 90's


what are you like 20? brah once you been around the block a few times and sat in jail and had time to think you may change your ways or you will just be a phaq up all your life!  one or the other!


Have a Great Day!


Oh hey I thought you were done with this thread lol

get a life man.  Chevy is a separate Tax ID separate company can you not read..?  They are all owned by the same parent company.  Get off this negative tip.  go smoke some good meds and stop being  troll.  i will defend myself.  I am not adding SHie tot this thread except telling guys like youthat sit at home all day and blaze on reggies to shuv it.


All I saw was a hand full of people like you on this site backin 2008-09 trying to think they run shiet.   Brohan you sit at home all day and blaze reggies bark about this and that and think your some gift to the MJ community.  Get off your rear end and do something besides spewing negativity.


I don't care what you did brohan.  Your only as good as your last hit,..and your last hit was a hit off some BIG BUD.  I did Finance for GMAC and Mortgages for a decade I looked over people paychecks and know who works for what and what company is what.


SO brohan you and your buddies do us a favor and just keep your negativity for your wives or keep it at home.



I am done not adding anything to this side except running over your negativity and brushing it off so I can keep my good energy positive.



Here is some advice for all you haters....GO DO SOMETHING POSITVE besides siting on your keyboards and typing more BS,


How about adding something positive....like a growing tip.   or where to donate some money to a charitable MJ cause.  ANd get off MY DDDDD

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Those prices are more than reasonable for a top shelf product. You have great genetics no doubt, but it still takes a great environment and a considerable amount of skill and time to make them something special. 5$ delivery charge is fine. The pizza guy charges me close to 5$ to deliver. These are obviously not "needy" patients and can afford it. Be proud of what you do motor. 280 for the funk is a steal. Not all "top shelf" is equal.

I concur..except there are all types of different "needs".  And I do not believe in free hand outs.  It is just my personal beliefs.  Nothing against people who are poor but in this community there is an inherent virus or infection that people are owed something,  ANd that is all I disagree with.



When people have cancer and need Chemo does the hospital do it for free...? Majoirty do not because they have costs to repay.  Some will do pro-bono as a tax write off but fee's or charges are part of the system.  That's all man.


I appreciate you not being negative and seeing the value for what it is.  This infection of hands out's has infected our country like the plague.  I wish somebody would pay my DTE bill or my car note or insurance or supplies bill at the grow store.  The list of bills is endless.


And the acquisition of my genetics took years to build up and is priceless I have some not even listed.  honing my skills to be good enough for Breeder's like Gage Green to work with took years to show them my grow so they could trust me to be part of their team.  So again thanks for the support.!!


Now I have to go show some good vibes to my women in the garden.

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