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Caregiver Gas Charge/fee Due To High Gas Prices.


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Neutralizing negativity cool. seems like your preparing yourself for a let down by answering everyone who doesn't exactly agree w you. I won't state I'm out of here, then keep coming back. that'll be five dollar$, lolz

There is a difference between disagreeing which I can see not everyone will agree with me or you or anyone.  Everyone has differing opinions....However when it gets reduced to what it has I will not allow keyboard bully's to attempt to walk over me or try to dis-credit all the hard work I have put in over the years.  That is the difference.


As you can see it is the same old people that back in 08, 09,10 were on this site talking tuff like they were shantibaba or Neville or Jorge Cervantes.


I get it people can disagree but when people bring it to a personal level that is when I will and always will stand up for myself and not let people try to walk on me.  It is funny when you actually meet some of these people in real life.  LOL....most don't even know they met me.


One for example told me at a grow store that SWERVE personally gave him male POLLEN at a trade show.  WHICH WAS 100% BS..because I know thru a contact that Swerve did not because I reached out and tried to confirm it.  And it just comes to show you that people try and talk to make themselves feel "special" and important.  And the reality is that our deeds and actions show what is up.  I will say though that the guy that tried to tell me that he has (swerve pollen, acquired from a trade show is located out in Brighton and is a leader of a compassion club)...LOL. 


I confirmed this to be 100% incorrect from my Cali contacts that work direct with "cali connect as a trading partner" it is just 1 example of how people lie in this "seedy" industry.  LIke why even lie about that...??

Edited by motorcitymeds
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get a life man.  Chevy is a separate Tax ID separate company can you not read..?  They are all owned by the same parent company.  Get off this negative tip.  go smoke some good meds and stop being  troll.  i will defend myself.  I am not adding SHie tot this thread except telling guys like youthat sit at home all day and blaze on reggies to shuv it.


All I saw was a hand full of people like you on this site backin 2008-09 trying to think they run shiet.   Brohan you sit at home all day and blaze reggies bark about this and that and think your some gift to the MJ community.  Get off your rear end and do something besides spewing negativity.


I don't care what you did brohan.  Your only as good as your last hit,..and your last hit was a hit off some BIG BUD.  I did Finance for GMAC and Mortgages for a decade I looked over people paychecks and know who works for what and what company is what.


SO brohan you and your buddies do us a favor and just keep your negativity for your wives or keep it at home.



I am done not adding anything to this side except running over your negativity and brushing it off so I can keep my good energy positive.



Here is some advice for all you haters....GO DO SOMETHING POSITVE besides siting on your keyboards and typing more BS,


How about adding something positive....like a growing tip.   or where to donate some money to a charitable MJ cause.  ANd get off MY DDDDD

 lets see! You joined last month, You have a 119 posts and you are calling me a troll and you think you know it all, Maybe thats why you came back in here finaly because no one is at your buddys site! I do give a phaq what you did you lil bespecalled troll lmao!  Im sure i got that wrong,lolol, You have to admit your posts have been funny, your in here just to see who is around these days, and you b.s like a kindagardner!


"SO brohan you and your buddies do us a favor and just keep your negativity for your wives or keep it at home." That was the smartest part of your last post, Yea id rather mess with newbie who has this know it al attitude than not get laid tonite!


I guess your brain is a lil larger than a pea, lil fella I wish I could just sit and do nothing and just hang behind this laptop but im still cleaning up and putting my winter toys away and breaking out the summer toys!  and I can lay my head down at nite knowing i dont charge real pt's who are mostly on ssdi up here and not faking and dont have money, come see my neighbor hood, I prob live in one of the poorest countys (oh wait I live at grannies still) and there are alot of people up here who cant afford good weed! so if I can make some ones week or even a day or a month by giving them some meds whats wrong with that, I would have never brought up prices if you hadnt, I responded to your first post yester day i believe, and there was already 3 or 4 pages, ( and no im not going back to read all the b.s you wrote)  hey where aprox was your pencil pushing office, I worked in the basement in the new center area the old g.m building, the original owners of the renisconce center were just getting it open!!!   didnt big brohan just hock gmc to china? thought i was reading alot about that, I know they bought the plant closest to where i live, the old saginaw steering gear, its had so many names im not going there, but yea china owns that now, They did

Not pay back us and we owe china, so what do you know about that, are you moving to the new owners state, country lol, I hope so!


Your a frickin riot newbie!





Edit- all gm did was use their tax breaks to sell the biz to some one else and use most of them to make their parts, the expensive parts were/are coming from china!(because they work their children)  it was all about trying to make so a g.m employee maybe able to purchase the vehicle they make on the line, why dont you do a study and see how many companys it takes to make every car and see where it all comes from and exactly where the finish product rolls off the lines, all of the cars lol!


mean while I have to get my lawn cut so I can pull my r.v out to the river for the weekend or when ever I feel like bringing it home!

Edited by phaquetoo
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 lets see! You joined last month, You have a 119 posts and you are calling me a troll and you think you know it all, Maybe thats why you came back in here finaly because no one is at your buddys site! I do give a phaq what you did you lil bespecalled troll lmao!  Im sure i got that wrong,lolol, You have to admit your posts have been funny, your in here just to see who is around these days, and you b.s like a kindagardner!


"SO brohan you and your buddies do us a favor and just keep your negativity for your wives or keep it at home." That was the smartest part of your last post, Yea id rather mess with newbie who has this know it al attitude than not get laid tonite!


I guess your brain is a lil larger than a pea, lil fella I wish I could just sit and do nothing and just hang behind this laptop but im still cleaning up and putting my winter toys away and breaking out the summer toys!  and I can lay my head down at nite knowing i dont charge real pt's who are mostly on ssdi up here and not faking and dont have money, come see my neighbor hood, I prob live in one of the poorest countys (oh wait I live at grannies still) and there are alot of people up here who cant afford good weed! so if I can make some ones week or even a day or a month by giving them some meds whats wrong with that, I would have never brought up prices if you hadnt, I responded to your first post yester day i believe, and there was already 3 or 4 pages, ( and no im not going back to read all the b.s you wrote)  hey where aprox was your pencil pushing office, I worked in the basement in the new center area the old g.m building, the original owners of the renisconce center were just getting it open!!!   didnt big brohan just hock gmc to china? thought i was reading alot about that, I know they bought the plant closest to where i live, the old saginaw steering gear, its had so many names im not going there, but yea china owns that now, They did

Not pay back us and we owe china, so what do you know about that, are you moving to the new owners state, country lol, I hope so!


Your a frickin riot newbie!





Edit- all gm did was use their tax breaks to sell the biz to some one else and use most of them to make their parts, the expensive parts were/are coming from china!(because they work their children)  it was all about trying to make so a g.m employee maybe able to purchase the vehicle they make on the line, why dont you do a study and see how many companys it takes to make every car and see where it all comes from and exactly where the finish product rolls off the lines, all of the cars lol!


mean while I have to get my lawn cut so I can pull my r.v out to the river for the weekend or when ever I feel like bringing it home!

LOL.. all this big talk and your still on unmployment ..OK BIG DADDY..whatever makes you feel good.  i was one of the first several thousand to get carded and was on this site I think before you on my other screen name.  But brohan i just DO NOT EVEN CARE WHAT bs COMES OUT YOUR OR ANYONE ELSES MOUTH.


Planty of INTERNET BUSTERS on these sites.!!! 

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LOL.. all this big talk and your still on unmployment ..OK BIG DADDY..whatever makes you feel good.  i was one of the first several thousand to get carded and was on this site I think before you on my other screen name.  But brohan i just DO NOT EVEN CARE WHAT bs COMES OUT YOUR OR ANYONE ELSES MOUTH.


Planty of INTERNET BUSTERS on these sites.!!! 

I collected unemployment in the late 70's I was maybe 19 at the time, we had to wait in the long lines, Ive only been on unemployment one time, and then I learned a trade and never worked for any one again, (unless I had to for a few months) your just a wet behind the years lil punk!  Hey you maybe my son, sounds like we both have some stubborness, what is your mamma's name, I may be her babys daddy! lmao!


Im on ssdi jerk off, my ole lady isnt we have 10 yrs left to pay off our house, quicker if the market comes back, but if not id be happy here for the rest of my life and by the time she is 60 neither of us will ever have to earn an income again, I moved from the D because I cant stand idiots like you, chasing the dream and ripping off every one you can along the way, dont worry it will all catch up to you! make your county hilton adress known maybe i will send you some comic books or coloring books!


why dont you try not to put any caffein in your sippy cup today, you may have a better day, take a few nappy's and get rested up lil guy!




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I collected unemployment in the late 70's I was maybe 19 at the time, we had to wait in the long lines, Ive only been on unemployment one time, and then I learned a trade and never worked for any one again, (unless I had to for a few months) your just a wet behind the years lil punk!  Hey you maybe my son, sounds like we both have some stubborness, what is your mamma's name, I may be her babys daddy! lmao!


Im on ssdi jerk off, my ole lady isnt we have 10 yrs left to pay off our house, quicker if the market comes back, but if not id be happy here for the rest of my life and by the time she is 60 neither of us will ever have to earn an income again, I moved from the D because I cant stand idiots like you, chasing the dream and ripping off every one you can along the way, dont worry it will all catch up to you! make your county hilton adress known maybe i will send you some comic books or coloring books!


why dont you try not to put any caffein in your sippy cup today, you may have a better day, take a few nappy's and get rested up lil guy!





:sword:  ......and that about says it all!

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I collected unemployment in the late 70's I was maybe 19 at the time, we had to wait in the long lines, Ive only been on unemployment one time, and then I learned a trade and never worked for any one again, (unless I had to for a few months) your just a wet behind the years lil punk!  Hey you maybe my son, sounds like we both have some stubborness, what is your mamma's name, I may be her babys daddy! lmao!


Im on ssdi jerk off, my ole lady isnt we have 10 yrs left to pay off our house, quicker if the market comes back, but if not id be happy here for the rest of my life and by the time she is 60 neither of us will ever have to earn an income again, I moved from the D because I cant stand idiots like you, chasing the dream and ripping off every one you can along the way, dont worry it will all catch up to you! make your county hilton adress known maybe i will send you some comic books or coloring books!


why dont you try not to put any caffein in your sippy cup today, you may have a better day, take a few nappy's and get rested up lil guy!




LOL..OK BIG DADDY...BIG OLE INTERNET BUSTER.  I could try and brag about what I have but it does not matter 1 bit.  It will just provide more fuel for Dumb Fuxs like you to use.  I will say this though I don't need 10 yrs or the market to come back for my house to get paid off.


when you work for a living you can get things done fast.  Enough said.  I live comfy not in the hood and don't need to talk about my trailer RV that I bought in 1976 when i was born or about any of the 3 wheelers that are 20 yrs old...lol.


Just keep puffin on that Chemical dirt swag you grow and everything will be all good boss.!!

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Why is this useless non productive thread allowed to continue?


The OP is aggressive, impolite, calls others names etc, etc...



I have seen threads closed for less...



What's the scoop mods ?


This guy just came to inflame and start trouble.

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Hey mr. wanna be know it all, wishing you were mr. money bags... if you are making such big bank then what is a little $5.00 charge for? 

$5.00 going to make or break you? I think it's ridiculous on you part.


Also, imo this thread was started just to cause trouble.  You asked for feed back then call names and berate those

who disagree with you.. .


go home troll.



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LOL.. all this big talk and your still on unmployment ..OK BIG DADDY..whatever makes you feel good.  i was one of the first several thousand to get carded and was on this site I think before you on my other screen name.  But brohan i just DO NOT EVEN CARE WHAT bs COMES OUT YOUR OR ANYONE ELSES MOUTH.


Planty of INTERNET BUSTERS on these sites.!!! 


CL... Where are you dude ?  We seriously need the Grammar Police in a hurry !

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