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What Does A Caregiver Do With Overages?


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wash eggs? salmonella? I got u from the country but what country?


our eggs are beautiful and delicious.


keep some extra salmonilla in a jar case we run out on the farm.


keep it next to the Nuttello Jar cause i like how it sounds. Nuttello Salmonilla or Salmonilla Nuttello


either way it is delicious.

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not really a hick, just skeered to death of eating store foods. I've seen what its done to most everyone else. I'm a turtle hunter, they cause me havoc in the pond too. No catfish here, sorry. If I got eggs form another farm I would wash them also, but here I'm confidant to eat the eggs fresh raw. tira misu, soft boiled, sunny side up, mayo, or in a cup.  we're thinking about a couple baby dolls, and a small pig this spring.

GRASS! Are you also a hillrod hick? I wash them because of salmonella. Aren't they delicious? So much better than old store bought! And I could really use some catfish for our pond next spring.A snapper got in this summer,and we did find her,she was small,but still nearly killed all the fish,and drove away all my painted and blevins turtles. I want to get a nanny goat for milk. But will have to hide her from the township,they are cutting down the number of livestock/acre. And I know she will eat every flower we have planted,so she has to be in a pen with a run-in. Don't have a coop yet,and think the dogs would kill them.

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there is no such thing as overage's.

man how can so many people think there going to get rich.. get a job

wow and some just dont make any sense.... yes if he grew out two lbs yes he has overages. wtf does that have to with getting rich? some people should have more than 3 post before they start talking bunny muffin about people.

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I've heard the man comes down hard on those who are profiting selling medical marijuana.


I think overages exist occasionally to learn from. they offer an opportunity to question ones motives for growing in the first place, and put checks on grow habits, genetic selection, losses, technique. Good growers mostly avoid overages, keeping the overhead growing costs down. solid patient agreements go along way in production control and planning, but patients will come to unforeseen circumstances which wont allow them to accept the amount they originally requested. Sometimes patients coming from a less than desirable qualtiy may think they need much more cannabis than they actually do. Quality improvements generally lead to less need.  Overages can tempt a good person sometimes. Or they can  provide to that needy patient, not the one who speaks up, but the one who does not.

My best feeling comes when I see a near empty drying/storage room at harvest time. I don't keep product after a month or so old so I try to keep a good handle on whats in stock. My rabbits have certainly enjoyed a whole fresh harvest, or a big jar of cured bud too, but that doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling. Giving away ounces will not pay the electric bill, and that exquisite cuisine is overkill in the hutches.

Of course, most of my "overages go out in the form of "padded" deliveries. Donate for two ounces, I'll gift a half ounce is very common practice for me. Sometimes I'll offer my heavy use patients a super discounted delivery of larger quantities. I'll do that all the time as long as it doesn't affect the following months' requests. My grow bills are monthly, so my donations need be too.

Can someone please answer a question about overages?  I am considering becoming a caregiver and I am wondering if there is a legal way to profit from any overages I might have above and beyond what I supply my 5 allowed patients.  I have asked several other people and I get different answers.  Any help would be much appreciated.  Thanks.

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actually, that's a good point there. I haven't considered the jars of selections just resting about, compared to notes of expected patient needs. I got a long way to go with record keeping, math, for sure. guess I'll go feed the bunnies now.....thanks, a lot, for the eye opener man.......tehe

Overages are in themselves illegal, an overage would be something above and beyond what your current patient needs, imo. So if your current patients dont need it, according to current rulings, there is no one left to legally buy them. Correct? Lol

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It's not an overage if you can show it was to keep a steady supply without running out.  If you have less in veg because you went over it's all in line with not running out.  I wouldn't want to try and prove it but I think it's worded that way for a reason.  They can't expect everyone to get it right from day one.  bunny muffin happens.  Esp with new strains.  I can't predict how much they will yield or if they'll hermie and not even make it.

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